Responsibility is a set of tasks that become an obligation for individuals and need to be handled to completion, of course, with good results. More complete, responsibility is a condition that makes individuals have an obligation to bear all things and want to bear all the consequences that will result from the things they bore before.


In addition, responsibility can also be interpreted as human awareness of the behavior or deeds done, both intentional and unintentional actions. In other words, responsibility is the realization of an awareness of obligations.


According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), responsibility is the condition of being obliged to bear everything (if anything happens may be prosecuted, blamed, sued, etc.) and the function of accepting loading, as a result of the attitude of one’s own or other parties.


Will the Responsibilities of Employees and Bosses Be the Same? 

Speaking of “responsibilities”, we can relate them to responsibilities in various places, especially responsibilities in the workplace. Maybe some people are still wondering, “whether the responsibilities held by employees and the boss at work will be the same?”.


The responsibilities held between the employee and the boss (the boss) may be different, but both parties must carry out and fulfill their responsibilities very well. When responsibilities are neglected, important things like health, safety, salary limits, career opportunities, and other important parts will also be ignored. Therefore, it is important for all of us to know and understand all the responsibilities that we have at work.



Examples of Responsibilities

According to the Wisestep dot com content website, there are 13 examples of responsibilities held by employees and bosses in each workplace that we must know together. Let us consider the following explanation.


1. Clear Rules and Regulations.

Every workplace MUST have clear rules and regulations, so that work activities will run smoothly. The leader’s responsibility is to set clear rules and regulations for his employees and set sanctions for anyone who breaks them. These rules and regulations must be enforced fairly. Meanwhile, the employee’s responsibility is to comply with all the rules and regulations that have been determined. For example, do not arrive late, wear polite work clothes, or wear work uniforms (this applies to some workplaces).


2. Basic Needs Fulfilled for Employees and Bosses.

The responsibility of leaders and owners of workplaces is to ensure that their workforce can feel all the guaranteed public facilities, for example clean toilet facilities, neat and clean pantry, clean or neat office or desk, safe drinking water (not dirty) ) even health insurance is provided for each employee. Public facilities that are guaranteed for disabled employees also need to be guaranteed by company leaders. For example, providing a lift that can help employees with disabilities. In addition, the employee’s responsibility is to use and maintain all public facilities.


3. Safe Work Environment.

It is the duty and responsibility of workplace leaders to create a safe, comfortable and healthy work environment for each employee. For example, they are required to install installations and provide safe and sterile work tools. Meanwhile, the employee’s responsibility is to ensure that they do the work safely, so as not to harm other employees.


4. Appropriate and Timely Payment.

This is the main responsibility for leaders or superiors to pay wages (salaries) or benefits to employees with appropriate and timely payment amounts. The responsibility for employees is to work with a predetermined schedule and time and try to provide the best results.


5. Equal Opportunity.

One of the responsibilities of workplace leaders that must not be missed is to provide equal opportunities for all employees. This can be done by removing inequality at work, fulfilling all employee rights and creating a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and abuse of responsibilities.


On the other hand, the employee’s responsibility is to help leaders create a comfortable work environment by collaborating with other colleagues, not doing office politics, and so on. The same opportunity will provide opportunities for all employees to be able to rise in position and maximize their work skills.


6. Ownership of Pension, Leave, Pain Permit and Available Insurance.

Each leader is responsible for providing retirement allowances (some workplaces implement this), providing leave, sick leave and insurance such as health insurance for all employees. All of that is a right that must be accepted by its employees, so that the leader will be guilty of delaying or not giving important things to the employee.


Employees are responsible for using all their privileges well, honestly and wisely. For example, use your leave wisely so that it does not exceed the amount of leave provided.


7. Paying Taxes.

Even paying taxes is a responsibility for all people in a country. The responsibility of leaders is to pay corporate taxes and the responsibility of employees is to pay taxes to the state from the results of their work.


8. Respect for All People.

Leaders not only receive respect from employees, clients and business partners, but they must also give respect to all employees, customers, clients and business partners. This respect is a form of appreciation that they are all there to help business development. Without employees, clients or business partners, our business might not be as great as it is now.


The employee’s responsibility is to respect his leaders and respect his colleagues, clients and customers. This attitude of mutual respect will be very good for the work environment.


9. Prevention of Harassment.

Almost the same as point 5, company leaders are also responsible for preventing all forms of harassment in the workplace. Harassment can be like bullying that occurs between employees, discrimination due to ethnic, racial or ethnic differences, or sexual harassment. Leaders are responsible for imposing sanctions on those who do this. For example, dismissal of employees who have gone too far by bullying disabled coworkers.


What about employee responsibilities? All employees are responsible for maintaining harmony between themselves and avoiding all forms of disputes.


10. Maintain Privacy.

Because privacy is a very private and very confidential matter, employees and leaders have a great responsibility in this matter. The employee’s responsibility is to maintain the privacy of important data and information held by his workplace or data that has the label “Private and Confidential”. All workplace or company secrets must be carefully guarded by all employees.


On the other hand, company leaders or superiors may not interfere in the privacy of employees. Leaders must be able to distinguish between work and employee personal matters that we cannot interfere with.


11. Services from the Department of Human Resources (HR) or HRD (Human Resource Department).

The Department of Human Resources (HR) or Human Resource Department (HRD) is a very important part of the workplace or company. The responsibility of leaders is to provide good HR services to employees, so that rights that must be received by employees can be obtained properly. It is the responsibility of leaders to educate HR employees to serve employees as well as possible.


What about employee responsibilities? Employees must follow all procedures given by the HR department when they need to complete an affair with the HR department.


12. Flexible working hours.

This applies to some workplaces or companies, where leaders are responsible for allowing flexible work hours to their employees. In addition, employees are also responsible for completing all work on time and do not abuse the trust given by their leaders to work flexibly.


13. Vacation.

Maybe this has been discussed in point 6 briefly. However, it should be recalled that the responsibility of leaders is to allow their employees to access their vacation rations. For example, allowing employees to take a day off from work due to national holidays, family needs, personal holidays (using available leave allowances), and other holiday days. In addition, the employee’s responsibility in this case is to use his vacation ration as well and wisely as possible.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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