Definition of Vision

Definition of Vision

What is vision? Vision is a series of words that become sentences with very strong meanings and in which there are goals, dreams, and ideals that an organization wants to achieve. Vision is a view of the future or can be said as the goal of an organization that contains the core thoughts of the founders of the organization or company. Vision becomes the future view because the vision is a picture of the future of the organization or company.

By having a vision, the company will be stronger to move forward and reach all expectations. Without a vision, an organization or company cannot be well directed because the people in it seem to move aimlessly.


According to the business news website daily dot com, there are some things we need to know about the vision statement that is used as a picture of the company’s future. For example, who will shape the company’s vision, how to use a vision statement, how to write a vision statement and an example of an inspiring vision statement. Let us consider the following explanation.


Who Shapes Company Vision?

When talking about a vision statement in a company, maybe we will wonder something “who will form the company’s vision?” is it only the founder of the company that has the right to compile a vision statement? Will the people around them be involved? Or is the founder of the company just searching from the internet to get an inspiration for a vision statement?


Therefore, the first step we need to take in designing a vision statement is to determine who will play a role in preparing the vision statement. If the business that we have is small in size, then we can design a vision by gathering insights and ideas from every member in our company. What about large companies? If our company operates in a large size, then we must be more selective in considering all the aspirations expressed by members or employees of our company. In addition, we must continue to ensure that as business owners and founders, we remain the first decision maker, not someone else.


In other words, the vision can be compiled by the founders of the company and can also come from the combined aspirations of employees. However, with a record we remain as the main decision maker.


How to Use the Company Vision Statement.

After determining who will join in the preparation of the vision, the next step that needs to be done is to determine how we will use the vision statement. Are we only going to install it in the office lobby? Display it on social media? Promote it on television advertisements? Or maybe we not only installed it but also ensured that all vision statements were integrated into the corporate culture .


Therefore, a business must have confirmed from the beginning how the vision statement plays a role in the company. A good vision is not just a series of words in a sentence. However, a good vision must be well integrated into the company culture and truly be the main goal of every employee in carrying out their work every day. In other words, the vision must be truly absorbed in every employee and leader in the company.


Indirectly, vision has a very important role, this is like the soul or soul of a company. The vision must be considered an important part of the strategic plan and the vision must be an internal communication tool that helps align and inspire our team to achieve company goals.


An important note that we must always remember about a vision is that a vision cannot be carried out, if almost all employees or team members refuse to carry out that vision. There is the word “organizational goals” in terms of vision, and an organization cannot be run by just one person, this must be done by many people in a compact and concurrent manner. Therefore, the vision cannot be approved by only one person, even though we are the founder and owner of the organization or company. This is our job to look for employees and teams that are in the same direction and in line with our vision from the beginning of the recruitment process.


How to Write a Company Vision Statement. 

Making a perfect company vision statement is not an easy thing, it can’t even be done overnight and a day. Even neatly formed vision statements must still be checked and revised if they are not relevant to the company’s goals and culture.


In writing a vision statement, we need to incorporate the mission, goals, targets, values ​​and norms of the company or organization into the vision statement. We also need to incorporate concepts and beliefs into a vision statement, so that our vision is not just an idea or concept, but rather contains the full belief that we and all teams can pursue and achieve all the company’s desired goals.


There is another strategic way we can do when writing a vision statement, that is, looking at what the competitors are writing in their vision statement. In this way, we can get inspiration and new ideas about what we want to include in our vision statement. Oops! But remember, don’t plagiarism. This is just to get inspiration and compare with what we will write. The rest, let our company vision be a special and unique picture of our own company.


Writing a vision statement must be as short as possible, brief but has very clear meaning. So, anyone who reads our vision will surely understand well what the aims and objectives of our company are. A good vision is usually not more than one or two sentences.


As Falkowski said, “With a vision, we want the entire team in our organization to be able to quickly repeat it and more importantly understand it. However, a vision must be more than just an attractive tagline. If your fellow readers don’t like or don’t feel confident about a vision statement that is too short, hmm, no problem!


Fellow readers can also make a rather long statement of vision, more than one or two sentences. However, make sure that our vision statement remains on the visa broadcast abroad, because we all have the goal so that one day our products can be recognized at the international level. Is it right?


What about writing a vision whose content is “bold enough”? The point is not like a vision that already exists in general, looks different and displays extraordinary words. No problem, it’s actually good! There is nothing wrong with a vision statement that is bold, different or even does not sound pleasant to others. While the vision statement was approved by all team members and we all believe we are able to achieve it, why not?


Examples of Inspiring Vision Statements

If your Career Advice colleagues are still confused and there is no idea to prepare a vision statement, don’t worry. Here we show some of the visions of the world’s leading companies that might be able to provide inspiration for fellow readers who are in the stage of developing a vision.

– Google: “To give access to world information in one click”.

Yep! Even we still feel it until now, right? When we don’t know about something, we immediately open Google and type in the statement that we want to find out.

– IKEA: “To create a better everyday life for many people”.

Their vision statement is the same as what IKEA and its customers covet. People who want to buy furniture are sure to make IKEA their main reference.

– LinkedIn: “Create economic opportunities for every member of the global workforce”.

Who doesn’t know LinkedIn? This social media application has indeed managed to connect millions of professionals around the world to connect with each other.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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