The 101 Most Beautiful Quotes About Love

What is love ? Something so strong but that can sometimes seem so hard to describe …

So, nothing better than resorting to love quotes to inspire us with beautiful sentences and positive thoughts using the right words.

In this blog post, I have put together over a hundred beautiful and inspiring quotes . Happy reading !

The 101 Most Beautiful Love Quotes:

  1. “Life is not worth living without love.” Serge Gainsbourg
  2. “Love is the only passion that does not suffer from past or future.” Honoré de Balzac
  3. “To speak of love is to make love.” Honoré de Balzac
  4. “Love is the poetry of the senses.” Honoré de Balzac
  5. “Love is not just a feeling, it is an art too.” Honoré de Balzac
  6. “Madam, under your feet, in the shadows, a man is there, who loves you, lost in the night which veils him, who suffers, earthworm in love with a star.” Victor Hugo
  7. “To love is to know how to say I love you without speaking.” Victor Hugo
  8. “To love is to give others, by a sort of creative power, a superior existence.” Victor Hugo
  9. “What is left of life, except to have loved?” Victor Hugo
  10. “It is sweet to be loved for yourself.” Pierre de Beaumarchais
  11. “Love does not see with the eyes, but with the soul.” William Shakespeare
  12. “Love is a smoke made from the vapor of sighs.” William Shakespeare
  13. “Love is an evil spirit; love is a demon; there is no other bad angel than love. ” William Shakespeare
  14. “Love conquers all.” Virgil
  15. “The pleasure of arguing is making peace.” Alfred de Musset
  16. “Love is everything – love, and life in the sun. Love is the big point, what does the mistress matter? What does the bottle matter as long as we are drunk! ” Alfred de Musset
  17. “Love, scourge of the world, execrable madness.” Alfred de Musset
  18. “To love is to no longer have the right to everyone’s sun. We have his. ” Marcel Jouhandeau
  19. “The greatest happiness after loving is to confess your love.” Andre Gide
  20. “It is characteristic of love, to be forced to grow, under pain of diminishing.” Andre Gide
  21. “It is because you are different from me that I love you; I only love in you that which differs from me. ” Andre Gide
  22. “Evil is never in love.” Andre Gide
  23. “He who loves, loves impatiently.” Etienne Jodelle
  24. “May the wind which moans, the reed which breathes, may the light perfumes of your fragrant air, may everything we hear, see or breathe, say everything:“ They loved! ”” Alphonse by Lamartine
  25. “I loved, I was to love; that’s enough for my grave. ” Alphonse de Lamartine
  26. “Because, you see, every day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and much less than tomorrow.” Rosemonde Gerard
  27. “For love and beauty and happiness, there is no death and no change.” Percy Bysshe Shelley
  28. “The important thing is not to love but to give something to love.” Jean Grenier
  29. “An insensitive woman is one who has not yet seen the one she is to love.” Jean De La Bruyere
  30. “Love is space and time made sensitive to the heart.” Marcel Proust
  31. “Each of us has a royal chamber in our hearts; I have walled it up, but it is not destroyed. ” Gustave Flaubert
  32. “Love is this wonderful chance that another still loves you when you can no longer love yourself.” Jean Guéhenno
  33. “Man has two faces: he cannot love without loving himself.” Albert Camus
  34. “Love is always in front of you. Love. ” André Breton
  35. “Loving is also action.” Alexis Leger
  36. “Here are fruits, flowers, leaves and branches. And then here is my heart, which beats only for you. ” Paul Verlaine
  37. “I only seek by loving the only good of loving.” Pierre Corneille
  38. “Reason and love are sworn enemies.” Pierre Corneille
  39. “Love is the emblem of eternity. It blurs any notion of time, erases any memory of a beginning, cancels all fear of an end. ” Madame De Staël
  40. “Those we love, we do not judge them.” Jean paul Sartre
  41. “To love without acting is nothing.” Raoul Follereau
  42. “Experience shows us that loving is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  43. “You can only see well with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  44. “To love is not to look at each other, it is to look together in the same direction”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  45. “To love is not to give up one’s freedom, it is to give it meaning.” Marc Levy
  46. “Love has no age; it is still nascent. ” Blaise Pascal
  47. “The life of each of us is not an attempt to love, it is the only attempt.” Pascal Quignard
  48. “The eruption of love is like a fire which suddenly spouts out in the hearth of a fireplace. Everything takes shape in its light. Love is the light of our existence. ” Sister Emmanuelle
  49. “The whole universe obeys Love. Love, love, everything else is nothing. ” Jean de La Fontaine
  50. “When the power of love prevails over the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix
  51. “There are diseases that cannot be cured with money, but with love.” Mother Teresa
  52. “Love conquers all. Absolutely everything, if you know that, you know everything, and you go for it. Love is the only thing that makes you radiant, bursting with fire and flame. ” Guy Gilbert
  53. “Fear, hatred, jealousy, envy and greed disappear when love is there, for there is no room for negative and destructive forces in the presence of love.” Eileen Caddy
  54. “The love that makes people unhappy is not real love. If your love is true, it contributes to your happiness and that of the people you love. ” Denis St-Pierre
  55. “The ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes and think about how you would act for them is very useful if you want to learn to love someone.” Dalai Lama
  56. “Nothing is small in love. Those who wait for great occasions to prove their tenderness do not know how to love. ” Laure Conan
  57. “There is only one mistake and one misfortune in the world is not knowing how to love enough.”  Bernanos
  58. “Love is the manual of life.” Abbot Pierre
  59. “To love is to shine with an inexhaustible light.” Rainer Maria Rilke
  60. “To love someone is to unconditionally listen to their values ​​and needs, without prejudging.”Denis waitley
  61. “To love is to bring the other to the highest level.” Virginia wolf
  62. “When love is present, all we do is good, all we do is correct.” Jean Gastaldi
  63. “To love can only be joy and happiness, otherwise it is not love.” Jean Gastaldi
  64. “To love is to prefer another to oneself.” Paul Léautaud
  65. “Infinite love: Infinite love asks only to love without anything in return.” Zhang Xianliang
  66. “When love wants to speak, reason must be silent.” Jean-Francois Regnard
  67. “Everything is great for those who are in love.” Chiara Lubich
  68. “Whoever waters the plant of love in his heart does not have a day in his life that is useless.” Umar Khayyam
  69. “The gift of gifts is love. Everything else: money, fame… are just consolation prizes. ” Claude Lelouch
  70. “Love is above all a gift of oneself.” Jean Anouilh
  71. “The love you seek everywhere is already within you. It can be evoked by many people or events. But eventually, you have to realize that you are that love. The source of all love is within you. ” Gangaji
  72. “Love is nourished by patience as much as by desire.” Amin Maalouf
  73. “True heartless genius is nonsense.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  74. “Those who live on love live for eternity.” Emile verhaeren
  75. “Love is a more formidable force than any other. It is invisible, it cannot be observed or measured, but it is powerful enough to transform you in an instant and offers you more joy than any material possession. ” Barbara de angelis
  76. “You don’t have to long to be loved. We give love to those who, out of altruism, are more interested in others than in themselves. That’s why you rarely love a genius person during your lifetime. Hugh Walpole
  77. “Love is a sacrament that must be taken on our knees.” Oscar Wilde
  78. “What looks like love is always love.” Tristan bernard
  79. “The measure of love is to love without measure.” Saint Augustin
  80. “Love is the drama and the fulfillment of unification.”  Miller
  81. “This beautiful fire with which for you this heart is ablaze, Will find everything possible, and the impossible easy.” Rotrou
  82. “Love, as it exists in society, is only the exchange of two fantasies and the contact of two skins.” Chamfort
  83. “Human love is distinguished from the stupid rut of animals only by two divine functions: the caress and the kiss.”   Louys
  84. “Love is the unique opportunity to mature, to take shape, to become a world yourself, for the love of the loved one. It is a high requirement, an unlimited ambition, which makes those who love a chosen one called by the open sea. ” -M. Rilke
  85. “If you are to love me, let it be for nothing. That for the only love of love… Love me for the love of love, so that beyond. Of time, this love lasts eternal, without alarms. ” Elisabeth B. browning
  86. “The sad thing about love is that not only can love not last forever, but the despair it causes is quickly forgotten.”  Faulkner
  87. “These are the four ages of love: It is born in the arms of disdain, it grows under the protection of desire, it converses with favors and dies poisoned by jealousy.” Calderon
  88. “Everything is sad in love; but, sad and whatever you want, it’s the best thing there is. ”  from Campoamor
  89. “If it’s not love, what am I feeling? But if it is love, for God, what can love be? If it is good, why is its effect harsh and deadly? If it’s bad, why does all this torment seem so sweet? ” Petrarch
  90. “In love, there are neither crimes nor misdemeanors. There are errors of taste. ” Paul Geraldy
  91. “In love, one pleases more by pleasant flaws than by essential qualities; the great virtues are gold coins, which are used less than money. ” Ninon de Lenclos
  92. “But who can stop the impetuous drunkenness. With a heart burning with love and that the pleasure presses! ” Antoine Bertin
  93. “For the love of a woman is like a child Who, weary of her toys, breaks them triumphantly, Crowds with a fickle foot a motionless rose. And follows the winged insect that flees its stupid hand. ” From Vigny
  94. “The love of a man occupies only a part of his human life; The love of a woman takes up her whole life. ” Lord Byron
  95. “Love is the business of the lazy, but the laziness of the busy.” Bulwer-Lytton
  96. “Love is above all the poetry of people who could not have any other and it is even for this that the pleasures that it lavishes are a little suspect to those who have practiced to conquer authentic joys.” Abel Bonnard
  97. “A natural law is that we desire our opposite, but that we get along with our fellow man. Love implies differences. Friendship presupposes equality, a similarity of taste, strength and temperament. ” Françoise Parturier
  98. “Nothing can bring a real sense of security like home, except love, the real one.” Billy Graham
  99. “We are never so poorly protected from suffering as when we love.” Sigmund Freud
  100. “Love is the sun which makes the flowers of the soul bloom, and which makes them exhale sweet perfumes.” Alphonse karr
  101. “Love is what makes us human.” Anonymous author


If these quotes don’t give you back faith in Love, then nothing can!

However, if you have any questions about long distance dating, feel free to explore the rest of the site as I’m sure you will find some great advice for your relationship there.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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