10 reasons to start training Jiu Jitsu

Training Jiu Jitsu is more than a trend. Think of a sport that offers advantages beyond the physical aspect and that also provides excellent lessons for personal life. That is Jiu Jitsu . The practice is closely associated with improving self defense skills, strengthening the body and mind, controlling breathing, increasing well-being, and most of all, building character. It is not surprising that we see various schools using Jiu Jitsu to teach children and young people notions of sociability, respect and discipline.

Brief history of Jiu Jitsu

And all this confidence (and hope, so to speak) in martial art comes from the fact that Jiu Jitsu has a centuries-old origin based on Japanese culture. The name itself already explains well what the modality is based on. Jiu Jitsu comes from the Japanese jūjutsu , which means “soft art.” That is, force is not the watchword here. The focus is on the fighter’s technique. Perform lever, twist and pressure gestures to use the opponent’s blow against himself, dominate and knock him down.

From samurai schools to classrooms and combat arenas around the world, the sport has conquered thousands of people and has become a symbol of endurance and resilience, especially after great athletes have shown their skills in MMA ( UFC ) and especially in Brazil, where it was perfected and became known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Read more about the origin of Jiu Jitsu in this other text that we have published! We cite here some of the benefits that Jiu Jitsu brings to the body and mind.

1. Have discipline and organization in life.

Starting with the kimono suit, which must always be presentable in order to continue fighting. If it is difficult to practice this on a day-to-day basis, with Jiu Jitsu it will be almost natural to train these skills.

2. Develop patience

Each phase is very well trained, thought and executed, from graduations to obtain the Jiu Jitsu belts to competitions. Therefore, exercising patience is one of the greatest advantages of a fighter. And that virtue will surely be excellent for all other aspects of life.

3. Control anxiety

This topic is directly related to the previous one, after all, when one learns to wait, anxiety ends up being more easily controlled. In addition, the “soft art” technique focuses heavily on breathing, which better oxygenates the brain, allowing you to make better decisions.

4. Learn to get frustrated

Because it is a strategic sport, the competitor often does not know what the other will do or if their punch will work, so it can end up being frustrating.

But there is an extremely important lesson to be learned. If they knock you down, get up and keep fighting. Just as we should face any adversity in life!

5. Socialize and meet people

Jiu Jitsu is a democratic art. Everyone can practice it, regardless of age, sex, social class or profession. This makes the classroom a true union of tribes. All are equal and achieve a good relationship of friendship and respect.

6. Exercise completely physically

The falls to the ground are constant and the movements are quite precise, so each workout is like a class of exercise for the whole body. The caloric expenditure is high, it tones the muscles and improves cardiovascular capacity.

7. Be a part of something bigger

A unanimous feeling among those who practice it is that those who are united by the kimono form a solid group anywhere on the planet. The sense of belonging of a global community is what has made this martial art perpetuate itself strong and strong for centuries.

8. Learn self defense techniques

As we said at the beginning, Jiu Jitsu is quite famous for improving reflexes and self defense techniques. Being considered even the best in the world in this regard.

It goes without saying how helpful this can be in dealing with adversities that may arise in everyday life.

9. Avoid low self-esteem

Being in control of the situation and making the right decisions helps build self-confidence, which in turn improves self-esteem. Without a doubt, training Jiu Jitsu will also mark your state of mind.

10. Improve mental training

The sport is so complete that, in one way or another, it helps in the mental formation of the practitioner. It takes years and years to get to receive a black belt. For example, which gives you enough time to train all the benefits mentioned above.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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