10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Not Do

10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Not Do

Be afraid:

It is not a doctoral thesis or a novel. If you don’t trust your approach, you won’t be able to work 100% to get it done.

2. Thinking that all ideas are novel:

The key for entrepreneurs is not always create something new and revolutionary, but solve important and common problems.

3. Believe that everything is invented

The same idea can have several ways to its execution, so analyze what exists in the market and seek to differentiate.

4. Believe that one “knows them all”:

Knowing our limitations is resorting to experts who will solve the problems adequately.

5. Believe that the product will sell itself:

It is not enough to have a good product, it is You need to develop a strategy to sell it.

6. Believe that there is no competition:

Remember that “if there is no competition, there is probably no market. ”

7. Inflate the idea:

Both in description and in the use of many unnecessary qualifying adjectives and – even worse – in numbers.

8. Do not consider teamwork:

Let us not forget that the result of the work in equipment is greater than the sum of its individualities.

9. Vague goals:

The objective of a Business Plan is its results, level of sales, profits and production.

10. Write the executive summary at the beginning:

Although the executive summary ranks as the first component, it should be written at the end, when I have already developed the whole plan and conceived set.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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