10 Exercises to fight depression

What is the best remedy for depression?

Usually there are 3 answers to this question:

  • psychotherapy
  • psychotropic drugs
  • both

But are there other methods?
The answer is “yes”, indeed, there seem to be too many: a jungle in which one cannot orient oneself.

We need a map , and certainly the scientific literature can help us, thanks to controlled studies that verify the results.
And today, it seems that a “natural ” remedy for depression is gaining more and more credit …

Joel Ginsberg is a Dallas boy, he is 21 years old, attends second year at university and has a problem: he is depressed . Every day he gets out of bed with a terrible effort and his therapist says that, for him, “the world has lost its colors, nothing interests me, I have no motivation. There is only room for a flood of doubts about myself. ”

It is at that point that the therapist makes a proposal to him : start exercising.

Physical exercises against depression

Depression is one of the most common psychological disorders: 1/4 of the population suffers from it in America and the WHO has long said that by 2020 it will be the most common disorder.

Many patients refuse treatment with antidepressants : although in some more severe cases it is indispensable, this refusal is understandable. However, some studies have shown that in a very high percentage antidepressants have the same efficacy as a placebo (as I described in my article Depression: the pill goes down ).

So? What to do?
Several therapists, especially in short therapy , add a practical suggestion to the therapeutic course: do physical exercises .
Strange as it may be, the effect is unexpected.

In a 1999 study , an anaerobic exercise program had the same impact on antidepressants as Zoloft over the medium term (4 months).

These results were reinforced by a 2006 meta-analysis (basically a study that evaluates a set of research in order to “sum up”): the results move towards an encouragement to make depressed patients practice physical exercises, since they are capable of producing significant therapeutic effects.

And in 2011 another study confirms this truth : in a group of 127 depressed people on whom the drugs had no effect, 30% saw a total remission of symptoms by practicing exercises for 3 months.

In short, science has spoken: exercise helps fight depression .

Which exercise? 3 basic rules

” But what exercises can I do? »
The good news is this: whatever .

Madhukar Trivedi , a professor of psychiatry at Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, has conducted several studies on the subject. He personally recommends 3 to 5 days of exercise per week , for a total of 45-60 minutes per day, in which to reach between 50 and 85% of his maximum heart rate.

There are however 3 basic rules :

1) Just because studies show it doesn’t mean it’s always effective: a little while ago we mentioned a study in which there were patients for whom antidepressants didn’t work; similarly, there are people for whom exercise is not enough. In that case, you must necessarily contact a specialist.

2) The quantity is fundamental: you cannot simply go for a walk in the park, nor can you do occasional exercises. Constancy and commitment are a key, and this is the reason why psychotherapists themselves often propose to integrate the exercises with psychotherapy: in this way they also become a sort of “coach” who encourages the person to continue and improve

3) You must constantly monitor the symptoms: we have seen that in some studies considerable results are already obtained in 3-4 months; but if you’ve consistently applied yourself and don’t see results, you need something else

It must be considered that scholars still do not have a definitive idea as to why physical exercise works . It has been hypothesized that it intervenes thanks to the release of endorphins, substances with analgesic properties, or norepinephrine, which plays a key role in regulating mood. In addition, exercise seems to help neuronal growth, as Ernst and colleagues said (2006, see bibliography at the bottom).

To this must be added the fact that depression often brings with it dysfunctional beliefs and destructive ways of posing oneself (so much so that the therapist Michael Yapko speaks of ” breaking the mold of depression “). The fact that psychotherapists are the first to propose the exercises is because they integrate into their work, resulting as a sort of natural propeller that accelerates the therapeutic process.



Exercise gives an excellent boost to overcome depression

Joel Ginsberg is a Dallas boy, he is 21 years old, attends second year at university and has a problem: he is depressed.

His therapist spurs him on to do some exercises . He doesn’t really want to, so he makes a proposal: “Every day, he simply comes to the gym, on foot”.

Joel puts up some resistance, but eventually accepts: he knows it’s for his own good. So, for a week, he heads to the gym every day, doing 30 minutes of walking to go and 30 minutes to go back.

At the end of the week the therapist renews the proposal: “Once in the gym, just go inside and do only 5 minutes of exercise bike. At the limit bring a novel to read, to make them go faster. ”

Joel is there, and starts doing 5 minutes of exercise bike . Find a novel that he wanted to read for a long time and that has always remained there, on the bedside table, and begins to leaf through it while pedaling. In short, time passes, and 5 minutes become 15 and then 30.

In a few weeks Joel experiences something new, like a renewed energy. Getting out of bed is no longer so difficult and resumes attending campus. He tells the therapist about his progress and in a few months he resumes his activities and projects, also continuing to do physical exercises that also help him keep fit.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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