10 Examples of Analgesics

These drugs are responsible for reducing or eliminating pain without causing other alterations in the state of consciousness. Below is a list with  examples of analgesics that you can consider in case of pain as long as your doctor does not contraindicate their use.

Best Pain Reliever Examples

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that occurs as a result of damage or injury to some part of our body.

Analgesics are drugs that, although they are available over the counter in many nations, should be consumed with caution and exclusively with the aim of reducing pain.

Like any medication, pain relievers may trigger adverse reactions in some people, although not frequently. Below are the most common.

1. Aspirin

Acetyl-salicylic acid also known as aspirin is a medication included in the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that has potent analgesic effects.

Its main mechanism of action occurs on the inflammatory cascade, which reduces the inflammatory mediators responsible for producing pain.

In addition, aspirin has an effect on platelet aggregation, which is extremely beneficial in cardiovascular pathologies to prevent thrombus formation.

2. Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen is a medication that also produces pain relief through its mechanism of action on certain nerve fibers responsible for causing pain.

The main use of acetaminophen is intended to generate an antipyretic effect, that is, to reduce fever without generating greater anti-inflammatory effects.

This medication is available free of charge in many countries due to its excellent analgesic effects and the few side reactions it causes; It is also very safe in pregnancy and children.

3. Dipyrone

Dipyrone is an example of an analgesic since it is a medicine used to relieve intense pain such as joint pain and headaches.

Dipyrone has proven to be very effective in reducing fever, especially those cases in which the temperature rise exceeds 39°C.

4. Ketoprofen

Ketoprofen is a very powerful analgesic in the relief of bone, joint and inflammatory pain, mainly when it has been prolonged over time.

For this reason, in cases of fractures and generalized trauma, pain from renal colic and headache, Ketoprofen is highly indicated.

5. Ketorolac

Ketorolac is a medication derived from propionic acid that reduces pain and improves inflammation in cases of severe pain.

This analgesic is usually indicated in cases of migraine pain, toothache, bone and joint pain, also demonstrating a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

6. Diclofenac

Diclofenac is an analgesic indicated to relieve joint, muscle and middle ear pain due to its potent anti-inflammatory effect.

There is diclofenac sodium that is preferred to use to relieve inflammation of soft tissues and diclofenac potassium to reduce inflammation in bone tissues.

7. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is an NSAID that has increased anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It has adequate penetration into bone tissue and for this reason it is indicated for the management of severe joint pain.

8. Naproxen

Naproxen is a derivative of propionic acid with greater anti-inflammatory effects, capable of causing analgesia in cases of bone and muscle pain.

It is highly indicated in chronic inflammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis and in fractures, especially those that require surgical management.

9. Celecoxib

Celecoxib is a medication that belongs to the group of COX2 inhibitors with intense anti-inflammatory properties and widely used for the management of chronic joint pain.

10. Morphine

Morphine is an opioid analgesic not routinely used due to its potent effect on the central nervous system capable of causing depression of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Morphine is generally indicated for pain caused by terminal diseases such as cancer and under strict medical surveillance, to evaluate respiratory and cardiac patterns.

It is not routinely used due to the long-term psychological dependence it causes.

General considerations on the various examples of analgesics

Analgesics should be indicated under strict medical supervision to assess any adverse effects that may occur and consider whether there is an indication to receive them.

Prolonged consumption of some NSAIDs could affect blood cells, causing alterations in blood coagulation and should not be indicated in certain hematological pathologies.

Analgesics injure the stomach mucosa, which could cause gastritis , ulcers, and the risk of bleeding, which manifest as heartburn and a sensation of gastroesophageal reflux.

Avoid self-medication and you should go to a doctor promptly, in case you feel any kind of pain in your body.

The consumption of certain analgesics such as diclofenac could cause kidney damage if administered for a long time and without a true medical indication.


by Abdullah Sam
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