What Is The Real Purpose of Criminal Law In State

Purpose of criminal law is to deal  general principles of liability to punishment and the limitations of such liability by special defenses, such as insanity or self-defense.Criminal procedure is the formal machinery which has been established to enforce the substantive criminal law. Its broad outlines include (1) accusation of crime, (2) determination of guilt or innocence and (3) disposition of those convicted.

We can say the core purpose of criminal law is ;Protection of the ethical-social values ​​of the country, protection of concrete legal rights, defense of general juridical goods and support of juridical and social peace.

Thus, the objective of criminal law is the set of rules imposed by the State.It is the set of rules that binds everyone to follow the regulations.Criminal Law regulates the relations of individuals in society and their relations with the same society. Rules which are protected by criminal law do not concern the individual  but the collective as a whole.

Criminal law is a formalized social control, which represents the state intervention. It is made up of a set of legal norms (principles and rules) that define criminal offenses and their corresponding legal consequences – penalties or security measures. It is considered a means of formal social control precisely because it has been established for this purpose: control, which aims at the protection of legal goods. It is a social control aimed at the protection of legally protected assets.

Criminal law is a branch of public law that includes  all the legal rules governing those illegal behaviors for which a penalty is provided pursuant to art. life imprisonment, imprisonment and fine, for crimes, arrest and fine for fines).

Purpose of Punishment In Criminal Law

Punishment means to inflict evil on purpose. If this happens through government agencies, it requires formal as well as substantive legitimacy. Criminal punishment means reacting to criminal acts with deliberate  by state.It requires a special legitimacy, that is secured by law, and also a substantive legitimacy that derives from ethics and reason.

by Abdullah Sam
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