White bands for tires: how to make them

Do you own a high-ranking car and want to make it more and more attractive from a stylistic point of view? For sure, the idea of ​​adding white bands on the tires may tease you. Several companies on the web offer you real white bands to be assembled at your convenience, but know that this is a procedure to be completed with the utmost care and precision.

In any case, you can discover with us how to make tire bands , following a series of precise steps and allowing your car to take on a new appearance. You just have to take a look at our tips.

Always keep in mind that manual skills and a little experience are often necessary for a job well done, so if you can, always contact a tuning expert !

How to prepare the tires

What do you need to do to make the white bands on the tires ? Before starting your work, you must ensure that such components are properly prepared. You have to place the car on a flat area, perhaps outdoors. So, continue the preparation for work by leaving the car with the first gear engaged, without forgetting to apply the handbrake to ensure that your safety is fully safeguarded.

Now, you have to get hold of the tools you will need to set up the white bands . All you need is a universal degreaser , a set of clean cloths and a white marker , instead of which you can also use white paint . Obviously, you need to move with the utmost caution, thoroughly cleaning the tires before doing any work on them. After removing any dirt, you can go on with the actual work and add whatever you want to your tires.

How to make quality white bands

At this point, there is nothing left to do but find out how to make white bands on tires . You have to take the permanent marker or the white paint and start your actual coloring. Obviously, you have to do it with all possible precision, avoiding jeopardizing the full functioning of your car and giving you the chance to safeguard the performance of the tires themselves. We suggest you apply at least two or three coats on the same area to ensure that the strips remain intact for a long period of time, without fading quickly.

A valid alternative that can undoubtedly tease you is the use of a comfortable cardboard, with the possibility of creating real masks to stick on your tires. Always act gently, avoiding damaging or even puncturing your tires. Remember that a procedure identical to that of applying the white bands can be carried out even if you intend to add white lettering , giving your vehicle all the personality you want to give it. Go ahead, but always with all due caution.

How to best finish your work

Do you want to better refine your work regarding the addition of white bands on the tires ? You always have the chance to ask for help from a tuning expert , or at least from a car enthusiast who can direct you to the right solutions to implement. If you inadvertently dirty the rubber, take a pinch of acetone and insert it in correspondence with the dirty part. Remove it quickly to prevent the carcass from suffering even the slightest damage.

When you have added the white bands that can give a new face to your car, we advise you not to drive immediately. Rather, make sure that the composition dries thoroughly, perhaps even waiting a couple of hours. If you want to make the white stand out, you can also paint all the rubber black, except for the strip of course. These are just small tricks that can add value to your procedure, with the prospect of having timeless tires at your disposal.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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