Where Are Peanuts Cultivated?

Peanuts, or commonly known as legumes or peanuts, are full of numerous health benefits. Walnuts contain monounsaturated fats and other nutrients that are healthy for the functioning of the heart. Peanuts are also a rich source of antioxidants such as oleic acid, responsible for reducing deaths from coronary heart disease. Resveratrol found in nuts improves blood flow in the brain and reduces the risk of stroke. Peanut cultivation began in South America, going back 7500 years. In the 1st century, the plant reached Mexico where it spread further in North America, China and Africa. Peanut is currently a common crop planted throughout the world. Below is a list of countries where peanuts are grown:

  1. China – 16.685.915

China grows more peanuts than anywhere else in the world. Peanut production in the country contributes significantly to the economy. In China, peanuts are grown mainly in seven regions according to ecological zoning. 70% of the nuts are produced in the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong and Henan. The responsibility of the cultivation system family in China has led to an increase in peanut production due to the incentive of semi-private ownership. The peanut market economy also contributed to the increase in yield per hectare. China has managed to produce 16.685.915 tons of peanuts according to FAO. The country accounts for 8% of world peanut exports.

  1. India – 6,857,000

India is the second largest peanut producer in the world. The nuts are produced in different varieties including Spanish, bold and natal red. Peanuts are primary sources of oilseeds in the country and fill the country’s vegetable deficit. The harvest is planted in two cycles and harvested in March and October, making the nuts available throughout the year. In India, walnuts are grown in Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Karnataka and Maharashtra. India produced 6,857,000 tons of peanuts in 2016. The main peanut export destination in India includes Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia.

  1. Nigeria – 3,028,571

Nigeria is the largest peanut producer in Africa, accounting for 30% of total African nut production. Walnuts are grown mainly in the arid areas of Nigeria, including Kano, Kwara, Sokoto, Zamfara and Kaduna. Nuts are used in Nigeria to produce cooking oil and a source of protein for humans and animals. Nigeria produced 3,028,571 tons of peanuts according to the FAO report. Peanuts represent 70% of the total export revenue for the country. Nigeria mainly exports its nuts to Indonesia and the European Union.


by Abdullah Sam
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