What is the uterus for?

The uterus is an organ of the female reproductive system . It is a hollow-shaped organ that works in conjunction with the ovaries , salping or uterine tubes (fallopian tubes), vagina and vulva . The uterus has the specific function of welcoming the fertilized egg , allowing it to grow and giving rise to the expulsion of the fetus at the time of delivery. Below, the uterus receives the outlet of the salpingi and reaches the vaginal cavity.

The structure of the uterus does not remain the same throughout life : there are many changes to which this organ is subjected according to the various stages of the woman’s sexual growth (pre-puberty, puberty, sexual maturity, menopause), during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle.

What is the uterus?

The uterus has the shape of an inverted cone , that is, a cone with the tip oriented downwards. Its length changes according to the pregnancy or not . The size of the uterus is approximately 6-7 cm in length, 3-4 cm in width and 2-3 cm in thickness in women who have not had pregnancies. Its weight is around 50 grams. In the case of pregnancy, these dimensions can also undergo significant variations, and especially in the case of multiple pregnancies , the size and weight of the uterus can vary considerably.

The uterine cavity is lined inside by a mucous membrane, the endometrium , which allows the embryo to be nourished in the early stages of intrauterine life, before implantation occurs. The musculature that covers the uterus ( myometrium ) is thick and consistent and its contractions favor the expulsion of the fetus during childbirth.

The uterus can be divided: the uterine body, bottom of the uterus and the neck of the uterus .

The uterine body is the widest part of the uterus , which develops upwards and into which the salpinges (called fallopian tubes or uterine tubes) flow;

The neck of the uterus, or cervix , is the narrowest part of the uterus. Its shape is similar to a downward facing cylinder that flows into the vagina.

The bottom of the uterus which is the largest part and which ends at the top.

Before puberty , the neck of the uterus makes up about half of the total length of the uterus; in women who have had children , however, it reaches one third of the entire length of the organ: this happens, especially in women who have had more children, following the important development that the uterine body undergoes to accommodate pregnancies .

What is the uterus for?

The uterus performs three different functions , namely to host the fertilized egg, allow its growth , and give rise to the expulsion of the fetus when the pregnancy ends.

by Abdullah Sam
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