What is the ankle?

t is a joint that represents, together with the bones of the pied e, that part of the skeleton responsible for both the balance and the propulsion of the body during numerous activities, such as maintaining the upright position, running, jumping and walking. It also performs the decisive function of taking on the entire weight of the organism .

What is the ankle?

It consists of the union between the bones of the lower legs – tibia and fibula – and those of the tarsus , in the foot. The medial malleolus (i.e. the inner part) of the tibia forms a sort of cup with the lateral (outermost) malleolus of the fibula which surrounds the tarsus and prevents movement of the joint outwards.

The mobility of the ankle is also limited by a series of ligaments which – while allowing a slight lateral flexibility indispensable for maintaining balance and walking on uneven surfaces – prevent dislocations. Specifically, the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the calcaneofibular ligament connect the fibula to the bones of the foot in the external lateral part of the ankle, while from the internal side the tibia is connected to the tarsal bones by the deltoid ligament .

What is the ankle for?

It is a joint that allows plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of the foot .Plantarflexion is the movement that allows you to point your foot towards the floor , as if you were to walk on the toes.

The dorsiflexion is instead the opposite movement , that is, what takes place when lifting the foot to walk on his heels.The ankle also has a certain lateral mobility which – albeit limited – allows you to walk on uneven surfaces . Thanks to this flexibility, it is possible to keep in balance while performing all the movements that are allowed by the joint.

by Abdullah Sam
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