What is the analysis and theory of bottleneck effect in marketing or production?

Through this guide we will talk about what is the analysis and the theory of bottleneck effect in marketing or production . Without a doubt, they are principles that you should know if you have a company in which it is produced constantly.

What is a bottleneck?

You have surely come across the term “bottleneck” in different circumstances. In fact, much is said about the bottleneck in PC , but this phenomenon goes beyond computers. The bottleneck also occurs in business production.

A bottleneck occurs when the production process is delayed or impaired by a specific aspect. Usually, for companies, the bottleneck appears when there are failures in a specific phase of the production process.

It is undeniable that knowing those aspects that can cause a bottleneck is essential. As entrepreneurs, it is necessary to eliminate counterproductive factors, because in one way or another they will generate losses.

For this reason, those factors that can create a bottleneck must be properly analyzed, knowing them and eliminating the shortcomings will result in a much more productive system . Clearly, before proceeding you must be aware of the difference and similarity between ‘productivity’ and ‘production’ , principles that every entrepreneur should know

Causes of the bottleneck effect in marketing or production

There are various reasons why bottlenecks appear in production systems. In fact, the causes are very numerous and we could say that anything that delays production could be considered a bottleneck . In any case, some aspects are the most recurrent in this problem, the following being the first points that you should analyze.

Lack of raw material

It is useless to have personnel prepared and trained for a level production, if raw material is needed. If you have a company dedicated to production, the raw material is a primary factor and should not be lacking.

Understanding the above, it avoids the need for materials, since the lack of raw material is one of the most recurrent bottlenecks in business production. Keep in mind that a person who knows what production planning and inventory control is , will not have problems or raw material failures.

Machines in poor condition

Machinery in poor condition is another cause of bottlenecks and must be avoided at all costs. Certainly productivity can be compromised if one of the elements of production is deteriorated. If so, simply try to fix the damage as soon as possible.

You may not consider the impact that machinery in poor condition can have, but it certainly represents a drop in production. A reduction of 20% or even 10% or 5% in production can translate into losses , so it is essential to act immediately.

Lack of storage space

If you produce in mass, that is to say large quantities of products, storage is something you must take into account. When there is no room to store products, the bottleneck arises again and disorganization surfaces .

It might seem minor, but if your employees don’t know what to do with the merchandise, then there will be delays . Again, these delays will result in losses if the proper measures are not taken.

Unprepared staff

Finally, one of the most recurrent aspects that cause bottlenecks is unprepared staff. Having staff that are not fully trained will undoubtedly create bottlenecks.

An unprepared person will work slowly or clumsily , this in many cases can generate delays at a general level. It is best to adequately train all employees and, where possible, hire trained personnel to avoid bottlenecks caused by unprepared people.

On the other hand, never leave aside the importance of the theory of cost and production in the economy , because knowing this principle you can also avoid the bottleneck in your company.

by Abdullah Sam
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