What is Cultural Imperialism?

Cultural Imperialism.Changes occur on a daily basis, and each time this happens, people’s lives are affected in one way or another. From our mothers & # 39; wombs, we are all affected by the word “change”. As a result of this change, the world is becoming one big family with all people in different countries, knowing, sharing, and caring for each other. This occurs as a result of people copying what they see others doing, especially when they watch television and movies. Humans learn new things from the radio, especially from reports and stories. They also learn by traveling to other lands to see how the people there live. They imitate what they read in books, magazines, and newspapers about other countries that they think are more developed than they are.

It is important to note that no country or group of people or even one person can live alone without others. You need to partner with people from other countries to share, borrow, and exchange ideas and methods. However, this consumption of a considerable proportion of foreign culture to the point of dislodging the original culture from development is often referred to as Cultural Imperialism. Furthermore, speaking of Cultural Transmission, we refer to the transfer of culture from one generation to another. This aids in the development of cultural awakening and stimulates the imaginative, creative, and artistic abilities in individuals, leading to the production of cultural artifacts. The mass media as the main carriers of culture help in many ways in supplying cultural forms and vice versa in all developing countries. In the real sense of this, Cultural Imperialism can be both good and bad.

In Nigeria, we can see the positive aspects of cultural transmission as a means of accessing culture and all forms of creative expression for millions of people. Today, a Yoruba man may not know about the Igbo or Hausa culture without watching them on television. Many religious programs are also shown that are meant to share ideas and inform people about the existence of another faith. Many good ideas and methods copied from developed countries such as England, France and the USA. USA They have greatly helped improve the country in areas such as education, health, housing, lifestyle, agriculture, commerce and industries, government systems, and technology. . We have been greatly influenced by the ideas we borrow from other countries.

Just as we are quick to copy good things in developed and developed countries, we are also quick to acquire some habits. Overexposure to foreign culture has led to a change in Nigerian cultural and religious organizations. Many programs broadcast in Nigeria are foreign and its impact on young people is that it has generated antisocial behavior and negative values ​​in Nigerian youth. This is because their culture and way of life are quite different from ours. As a result of this influence, many Nigerians, mostly young, now dress, talk, eat, and even behave like foreigners. Some adult women try to look like whites by bleaching their skin to make it lighter. In most cities in the country, You will mainly find young people wearing ear muffs on one or both ears and with fun hairstyles. They wear strange clothes that are not suitable for our warm weather. Crime has increased largely due to the influence of foreign movies that young people see on television and in movies. These young people have little or no respect for our culture and our values, which place great emphasis on respect for the family, the elderly, parents, teachers and society.

Therefore, apart from the positive role of Cultural Transmission, which can be seen in the main role it plays in the culture of implementation and democratization, research has shown that it engenders Imperialism or cultural domination. The way and manner in which foreign media films, materials, and content influence our dress, behavior, dance, and overall physical appearance is alarming, and if not controlled, could result in turning our nation into a society without culture. It should be understood that our social system is frowning at programs that are not fully in accordance with our indigenous cultures and our social values. Let’s learn to be proud of our own culture as we have no other place to call our own, but Africa!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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