What is CS: GO?

CS: GO ( Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ) is one of the most popular shooters of our time.

The competitive component of CS: GO is simple. Two teams: Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists have to defend or attack the bombsite (bomb site). In order to win the round, you need to kill the entire composition of the enemy team, defuse the bomb, or make sure that the bomb explodes (if you play as terrorists). Players should buy weapons and armor to increase their chances of winning the match.


In Valve’s official matchmaking, a match consists of 30 rounds. In turn, 30 rounds are divided into two halves of 15 rounds, so the team that wins in 16 rounds wins. Each round lasts 2 minutes. As soon as the bomb has been placed (installation takes 3 seconds), a 45-second countdown begins, after which the bomb will explode. The main way for counter-terrorists to gain advantage is throwing smoke and wasting time.

Time becomes an ally of terrorists if a bomb is planted. Terrorists can hold the site (hold) and wait for counter-terrorists to attempt to attack the site. Time is very important, use it wisely and you will win. Terrorists must plan their game within a 15 second countdown before the start of the round in order to take the site and make the most of the time given to them. Always keep an eye on the timer so you know how much time you have left, no matter which side you’re playing on.


Economy round

There are five types of rounds, we will look at each type for each side.


The game has begun. This is a pistol round. This is the most important part of the game. Why? Because usually winning this round allows you to easily take the next 2 rounds and sets the pace of the game. In the first round, you get $ 800.

  • CT: As a CT, you must have at least one diffuse kit for the entire team in your team. The rest of the players must buy armor and grenades. Armor helps a lot, as teams usually split up or face head-on and pistols spray. Since nobody buys a helmet in the first round, buying other pistols at the beginning is also a good option, because the glock, usp-s, p2000 pistols kill in one headshot at medium to close range.
  • T: Terrorists should buy armor and grenades. Players with armor should go first and take all the damage, while players with grenades will throw smokey into different zones and flash. Lurkers can buy pistols in the first round to hide while killing moving CTs. They will be easier with more damage and hence easier to defend the bomb. Remember – without armor and proper cover, you will merge quickly.

2.Eco round

Eco is short for economics. It is extremely important to do 2 eco rounds after a lost pistol round. This will give you a full buy in the fourth round. Playing as Terrorists, if you planted a bomb in the first round but were unable to defend it, you can save one round and fully purchase in the third round instead of the fourth. An eco round is a round in which three or more players in a team cannot afford to buy equipment, the presence of one or two players with a full buy and three with an eco will lead to the effect of a bad economy snowball.

You might argue that some players make half buys. This is true, but they can quickly kill opponents with headshots. If you can’t do the same, do your eco rounds better, it’s safer.


Players will save their money to prepare for a full buy one or two rounds later. During these two rounds, you can kill your opponents, take their weapons and save them. The only thing that can prevent you from doing this is experienced opponents who can be smart enough to byte you. Byte of a saving enemy on the weapon of a dead teammate consists of a drop of weapons, waiting for an almost defenseless enemy and the subsequent killing of this very enemy. Also, if a player with a full buy feels his imminent death, he can throw his weapon out of the map so that no one gets it.

4.New strategies

Here are some of the new techniques that professional teams use: Pistol Armor. This is the round in which you buy a pistol and armor after the pistol round has been drained. It may seem to you that you cannot afford a full buy in the fourth round. You are wrong. Even if you buy a pistol and armor, you can make a full buy with a shortage of only one or two grenades. This technique is very useful when you want to combine. This technique will always be a good solution, unless the enemy team is far behind yours in terms of money. In this case, you should be careful and take those 1-2 grenades in the fourth round.

  • CT: In eco rounds, CTs have to play very carefully, passively and deviously. Wait until they get to the site, kill them from behind. All you need is a gun, smoke or flash and maybe a diffuse kit. If you want to play aggressively, you can buy grenades, throw them at terrorists and try to kill several.
  • T: Ditto for team T. You can try rush: smoke the entrances to the bombs, infect and plant a bomb, so you get money and extra play time. If the team knows how to communicate with each other, eco rounds are not a problem. There are other tactics as well. You stick together and wait for the impatient CT to make a mistake and start pushing your direction of attack, you kill him and attack the weakened plant with the whole team.


Anti-eco is a round in which the team that wins the pistol round will play against the team with eco. Usually the winning team buys SMGs, shotguns, or famas / galil. Teams usually play slowly and carefully so as not to give the enemy any weapon to improve their economy and worsen their own.

  • CT: As mentioned earlier, teams should play passively and kill saving players. If the terrorists planted the bomb in the first round, you are better off buying an M4A4 or M4A1-S because the enemy will have a full buy in the third round. This means you don’t need to buy a stronger rifle from your side after purchasing an anti-eco weapon.
  • T: In anti-eco rounds, terrorists should have one lurker to make sure that the enemy is not rushing and so that the rest of your team can take positions to attack the desired site.


There isn’t much to say here. They give you armor, a cheap rifle, and some grenades. You will need them when you need to force several rounds so as not to be completely destroyed (also called force buys) and have a small chance of combining to win the match. The budget of a light buy is usually $ 3000-4000.

Into deep theory

Let’s go a little deeper into the theory. Your money is not only yours, you should use it for the benefit of the whole team. This means buying weapons for your teammates while you have the money to increase your team’s chances of winning. In CS: GO, you get money for kills, winning or losing a round, or defusing / planting a bomb. Now I will explain how much money you lose or gain, depending on one action or another.


When you hover over a weapon in the buy menu, in the statistics on the right you can see how much money you get as a reward for killing that weapon. In competitive mode, the standard reward is $ 300. Some weapons will give more money per kill, some less. AWP gives 33%, that is, $ 100 per kill. All SMGs except P90 will give 200% of the $ 600 standard reward. All shotguns give 300% or $ 900.

Killing with a knife will net you $ 1,500. You will lose $ 3300 if you kill your teammate. Some players will try to quarrel among themselves the opposing team so that they begin to kill each other and harm their economy. It’s very difficult to do this, but with the right approach, winning the match is much easier.


If the bomb explodes or is defused, the winning team will receive $ 3,500. In addition, the one who installed or defused the bomb will receive an additional $ 300. If all enemies have been killed, the winning team will receive $ 3250. As compensation for the lost round, the losing team receives $ 1400. If the team continues to lose, it receives 5004 on top of each previous compensation received.

1 round lost: 1400 $
2nd round in a ROW lost: 1900 $
3 round in a ROW lost : $ 2400 and so on.

Now that you know that time is money, join me in my next guide, in which I will explain what weapons to use and more!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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