What is balanitis

The balanitis is inflammation of the glans, which forms the final part of the penis. The glans is the final portion of the spongy body, which is the smallest of the three columns of erectile tissue found in the penis (the other two are the corpora cavernosa, which are two parallel structures located on top of the penis) . When the inflammation also affects the foreskin it is known as balanoposthitis .

Balanitis produces in almost all cases redness of the glans and foreskin, and other lesions may appear at this level, such as blisters, erosions or whitish or gray spots, depending on the cause that causes it. When there is inflammation, there is pain in the vast majority of cases, and it can also be associated with itching and stinging. The intensity of these symptoms is variable. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for other disorders to appear, such as the emission of smelly secretions.

This disease is relatively frequent, since it accounts for around 10-11% of genitourinary disorders in men in adulthood. It also affects up to 3% of children.

Balanitis can be caused by a multitude of causes. Its severity is variable, since although most of the time it is a transitory and relatively banal process that evolves favorably with medical treatment, others can evolve into invasive cancer, requiring surgery and subsequent follow-up. Therefore, it is important to make the diagnosis as soon as possible, especially if balanitis is suspected to be a premalignant lesion .

In addition, in many cases there may be an associated sexually transmitted infection , being necessary to treat the partner of the affected. The injuries that appear in the glans and in the foreskin are very similar in some occasions, so the anamnesis (interview of the doctor to the patient to know his symptoms and history) and the exploration are very important to make the correct diagnosis.

If there are doubts, other more invasive tests are performed, such as skin biopsy , which allows confirming the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the cause of the balanitis.


by Abdullah Sam
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