What is a Transgender

Transgender (trans) is an individual who identifies with a gender other than that corresponding to their assigned sex at the time of birth. Transgenderity is not a disease or psychological disorder.

According to traditional social conventions, there are two types of genders: male and female. For a long time , gender identity was linked exclusively to people’s biological sex.

Learn more about Gender Identity .

For example, if a certain individual was born with a penis, then he should behave and like all things related to the male gender (man), and the characteristics that qualify the gender as male are surrounded by stereotypes, such as playing football, playing cars, not wearing dresses, etc.

transgender person is one who, even if born with a penis, for example, does not identify with the male gender, but with a different one than is conventionally associated with people with this type of biological sex.

Transgenderity usually manifests itself during the first years of an individual’s life. One of the signs that helps to identify a transgender child is their personal interests in relation to the signs that are associated with the feminine and the masculine. For example, a boy who likes to wear dresses may be (or not) a sign of transgenderity.

Gender identity is not necessarily related to sexual orientation. In other words, a transgender man (woman who identifies with the male gender), may be homosexual (if he feels attraction to men) or heterosexual (if he feels attraction to women).

The opposite of transgender is cisgender , when the individual identifies himself with the gender that matches his assigned sex (biological sex).

See also: meaning of Cisgender .

Transgender and Transsexual

Both terms are interpreted as synonyms, and some people consider the transsexual to be the transgender individual who undergoes sex change surgery.

There are several variations of gender that can be sheltered by the concept of transgender, such as: genderqueer , bignero, pangnero, crossdresser , drag queen , intersex and etc.


by Abdullah Sam
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