What is Marketing Plan?

The Marketing Plan is a plan through which are defined the clients to whom we we will direct, how we will do it and through What channel is it. There is a great variety of marketing plan templates that reflect the orientation and perspectives they have companies to sell in different markets. Content varies depending on type of product, market, characteristics of the business and even the criteria of who write.

It is advisable not to get lost in complicated reasoning; must be analyzed, but also, use common sense; no we must work with a lot of data, only use the necessary ones; And what is more important, make it workable. While marketing is not an exact science, projects often fail because of the approach marketing, mainly because we could put ourselves in the shoes of our customers. Second, because never we will know precisely how many clients will require our product or service, without However, this discipline serves to minimize risks through rigorous analysis.

The Marketing Plan is, therefore, one of the essential elements when time to think about reaching our target market.Although as we pointed out, a Marketing Plan may vary depending on the type of business, should answer the following questions: where we are? Where do we want to go? How are we going to get there? How are we going to achieve our goals? How do we know if we are doing well ?. In this sense, this Plan could be structured as following form: Analysis of the situation, objectives, marketing strategy, plan action, budget and control methods.

How to approach your target market:

Through market research, which is a systematic and objective work to get information about the market where we want to introduce our product or service. The most used are:

Qualitative studies:

There are several types, although the Focus Group is the most used. Meets a small number of people guided by a moderator who facilitates discussions. This technique handles qualitative aspects. The participants speak freely and spontaneously on topics that are considered importance for research. The qualitative techniques give us the opportunity to understand facts or situations.

Quantitative studies:

That are carried out through surveys with a default and massive form, (for that’s its quantitative name). This technique gives the possibility to quantify and infer results from a sample to a population and through their results, they allow us recommend or prescribe actions.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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