What is a Manifesto?

The word “manifesto” originates from the Latin word “manifestum”, which later the Italians modified and called manifesto to mean “clear” or “obvious”. A manifesto is a public written statement of intention, goals, policy, views and approaches written by a politician, political party, organization, movement or government to a specific base of people. The posters introduce and promote the author’s ideas for people and thus allow people to relate to the broadcaster in a specific way. A creed is an example of a religious manifesto.

Importance of posters

Political posters are documents of responsibility that commercialize and outline the visions of the candidate or party to the electorate. They allow the voter to make an informed choice and to have a scorecard after the party / candidate takes office. These documents also show the ideology of the party / candidate and the position on issues of interest as well as acting as a moral contract between the party / candidate and the electorate. However, the importance of political manifestos has attracted the debate and many question its essence, since a good number of posters have proved to be excessively ambitious in relation to national needs and aspirations. Just like political manifestos, other manifestos such as organizational manifestations or movements link the issuer at the polling of the receiving population. Personal posters help people conduct a “deep scan” of themselves, looking at their history to plan a purposeful future after which he or she will have the opportunity to evaluate progress.

Examples of Manifestos

There have been many notable manifestos in the world covering centuries. One of the first was the 1011 Baghdad Manifesto against an Islamic sect. Some other examples are the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), The Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights (1789), The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx (1848), The Fascist Manifesto (1919), The Humanist Manifesto I , II and III (1933, 1973, 2003), The Romantic Manifesto (1969), The Green Book by Muammar Gheddafi (1975), The Hacker Manifesto (1986), The Manifesto of the UNESCO Public Library (2001), The manifesto of history (2014) and Il salto Manifesto (2015), among many others.

Indipendence declaration

The United States Declaration of Independence (1776) is a good example of a timeless manifesto that built the foundations of the country. Written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress, this statement is the reason why the British colonies pursued sovereignty. From the preamble, the document explains that all men were created equal with rights that no authority has the right to remove. Specifically emphasizing the rights to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness, the document explains that people can overthrow any government that cannot guarantee them their rights and train one to protect their rights. Coming from a bad experience of abuse by the King of Britain and extravagant taxation, and after several failed diplomatic measures to solve the problems, the settlers had no choice but to declare independence and form a new nation, the United States of America with a government resolved disputes peacefully and collaborated with other nations in the trade. The Declaration of Independence is such an important document in US history that it is often cited in government institutions and in many important functions as a reminder of the US commitment.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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