What does the orthopedist do?

 orthopedics is a branch of medicine that deals with remedy malformations and functional to skeletal problems and structures associated with it, such as the muscles and ligaments.

What does the orthopedist do?

The orthopedist deals with the diagnosis of congenital or functional problems affecting the musculoskeletal system . These problems can range from infections to sports injuries, from fractures to joint problems, from osteoporosis to bone tumors. The orthopedist can also perform surgeries, including very complex surgeries, such as those for inserting hip prostheses.

What are the pathologies treated by the orthopedist?

The pathologists most frequently treated by the orthopedist include:

  • shoulder problems: sub-acromial conflict syndrome, rotator cuff injury, shoulder instability, shoulder dislocation, osteoarthritis
  • knee problems: osteoarthritis , meniscus injuries, cartilage injuries, anterior cruciate ligament problems, patellofemoral syndrome
  • hip problems: arthrosis
  • hand problems: carpal tunnel syndrome
  • foot problems: hallux valgus
  • fractures
  • scoliosis
  • backache
  • sprains

What are the procedures most used by the orthopedist?

First, the orthopedist tries to remedy these problems by prescribing medications or using specific injections, rehabilitation or physiotherapy, or other non-invasive procedures. The use of surgery becomes indispensable only when these treatments are no longer sufficient to control the symptoms.

When to ask for an appointment with the orthopedist?

Back, shoulder, hip, knee or ankle problems are the warning light that should lead to an appointment with the orthopedist. The symptoms that indicate the use of an orthopedist are:

  • difficulty performing simple tasks, such as climbing stairs or carrying shopping bags
  • pain in the muscles, tendons or joints that last for more than a few days
  • joint pain that becomes more intense with rest
  • swelling or bruising of the joints or following trauma
  • limitation of movement possibilities, e.g. difficulty keeping your back straight
  • joint deformity
  • signs of infections such as inflammation and heating of the affected area, fever and redness
  • any abnormal symptoms in a part of the body affected by pain.
by Abdullah Sam
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