What does the law say about the integration and inclusion of students?

It informs about the law that prohibits conditioning the enrollment or permanence of students on the consumption of medicines.

What does the law say about the integration and inclusion of students?
The elimination of discrimination against students with special educational needs is incorporated into the principles of the General Education Law. The system must tend to the integration of these children and adolescents.

Can establishments condition enrollment or permanence on the consumption of drugs against attention deficit?
In no case may the incorporation, attendance and permanence of students be conditioned to consume any type of medication to treat conduct disorders, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. The establishment must provide all the necessary support to ensure the full inclusion of the students.

What else should facilities do about students with special needs for conduct disorder?
The establishments will promote biopsychosocial support initiatives and differentiated care, both in curricular and extracurricular activities. Thus, they should facilitate learning environments that allow meeting special educational needs. In this way, they should promote the development of emotional and social skills.

Does the law suggest activities?
Indeed, the law holds that emotional and social skills can be introduced through certain disciplines or methodologies. Sports or contemplative practices such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness (concentration technique), tai chi (martial art that combines physical activity with concentration), dance or artistic expressions are mentioned in particular.

What happens when a student is undergoing medical treatment for conduct disorder?
The establishment must provide all the necessary support to ensure the full inclusion of students undergoing medical treatment in strict compliance with the protocols of the Ministry of Health.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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