What does the hematologist do?

Hematology is the time of the medicine to the study of blood , organs that produce its entirety and blood diseases . The health of the lymphatic system, which is closely associated with the circulatory system, and of the organs that produce white blood cells is also another area of ​​hematology.

What does the hematologist do?

The hematologist is a specialist in the study of the blood and the elements from which it is made. So, it is a professional who analyzes the size, structure and functioning of the elements of the blood and lymph, i.e. red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and coagulation proteins , as well as the organs that produce them (marrow bone, lymph nodes and spleen). The hematologist is always part of a team of experts in various disciplines, who take care of patients who have blood diseases, and of hematopoietic organs.

To carry out the diagnosis in the best possible way, the hematologist prescribes laboratory analyzes, then interpreting the results, and finally prescribing a treatment and monitoring the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

The diseases most frequently treated by the hematologist are:

  • the anemia
  • coagulopathies (such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia and thrombophilia)
  • bone marrow dysfunction
  • immune system dysfunctions
  • gammapathies (e.g. myelosis)
  • blood cancers (such as lymphomas and leukemias )

What are the procedures most used by the hematologist?

The hematologist prescribes blood tests, and evaluates them, then making decisions on the further tests to be performed, and hearing the opinion of other specialists to understand which therapy is most suitable for the patient. It is possible that the hematologist prescribes drug therapies , which may involve the use of immunosuppressive, biological, growth factor or chemotherapy drugs. Sometimes it may be necessary to administer or remove some specific components of the blood. In addition, the hematologist takes part in bone marrow and stem cell transplants .

When to ask for an appointment with the hematologist?

When symptoms occur that suggest the presence of a hematological disease , i.e. when blood tests indicate an alteration of hemoglobin , white blood cells or red blood cells levels, or bleeding without an apparent cause. The general practitioner will then prescribe a possible hematological visit.

by Abdullah Sam
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