What are the parts of a Graphical Interface?

If you are curious about the world of computing and have heard the term GUI, it is normal for you to wonder what is GUI or Graphical User Interface and what is it for? Therefore, we will tell you what it is about quickly and completely.

Among the most important parts of a computer program, is its graphical interface. Because it provides all the information for the correct use of the program or system in which you are working, and serves as a visual guide to give a feeling of comfort to those who use it. Depending on the system we are using, we will have a more complex or simple interface. This can be appreciated a lot in the different versions of Linux , where each one has visual differences.

What is GUI?

The so-called GUI is the graphic part of an operating system or program. This is a vital part of computer programs, as well as operating systems, and it varies from one to another. This is easily noticeable when we use Linux, because each version of Linux has a different graphic section, which makes them unique from each other.

In general, when you think of a GUI, a series of menus and intuitive objects come to mind , in which we can know what the app has. As well as identifying what each button or box is for. Its use has been increasingly necessary, so there are currently very few programs that do not include a graphical interface.

In addition, this interface has had a large number of variants, so each company or developer creates its own GUI. This is because it is a way of giving personality and originality to the project. Companies like Microsoft and Apple are clear examples of unique graphical interfaces.

Cases like Windows are particular since each version of its operating system has its own graphical interface. However, they all have a certain relationship to each other, so it is possible to make a recent version of Windows look like an older one , or vice versa.

What is the GUI for in computing?

The main objective of the GUI is to connect the user with the program, in a pleasant way that can be understood by all the public. In other words, it is a way of interpreting the code contained in a program, or that is behind each of its functions.

In this way, you do not need to have computer knowledge to use it, nor do you need to know how to read programming code. The use it has in general is appreciated in operating systems, because if a system does not have at least one simple interface. This will not have a large audience, it has been shown that the graphical interface can make the difference between whether a system is widely used or not.

In our day to day, we can see how independent users develop new GUIs, specially designed for a specific operating system. This can be useful if you are bored of always seeing your computer the same way.

GUIs are available for all computers, including low-gamma or older computers. An example of this is when installing a lightweight theme on Windows. Thus, the equipment can be much more fluid and does not lose aesthetics.

What are the parts of a Graphical Interface?

In whether the parts of a graphical interface can vary in each one, so we do not usually find two the same unless they are traced. The parts that make them up are mainly objects and bars.

In the case of bars, they are widely used to place various icons for certain tasks. Most of these also contain text, the content may also vary depending on their position. If they are at the beginning of a window they can express the name of the program.

And in the case of buttons, there are many sizes and shapes , so it is common to see symbols or images that represent something in particular. An example of this can be the start button, which is often the indicative of the system we are using.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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