Walkthrough Just Cause 4 (Final)

Detailed walkthrough of the story operations “Windwalker”, “Sand Sting” and “Illapa”; the final part of the game

Operation Windwalker

Head to Benitez Main Airport in the lower right corner of the island and interact with the marker near the hangar. After the cutscene, capture the Rio Valley and move to the Storm Catcher quest marker.

Get into the car and follow the marked path until Caesar’s helicopter stops. Drive forward to the city and blow up three air defense systems using a machine gun. When they are all destroyed, then continue to follow to the plant. Caesar will be attacked by an enemy helicopter. Chase him until you are at close range, which will allow you to hook the helicopter and grab it. With the help of a helicopter, you can clear the next city without fear of the air defense system (just shoot anti-aircraft guns from a distance). When all three are destroyed, another enemy helicopter will appear. If you still have the previous one, then destroy the enemy. Otherwise, grab it and fly to the factory. Click on the marked button to start the cutscene and complete the mission.

Next, you need to capture and visit Distrito Capital – a city located in the southwestern part of the island. Follow the marker and start the mission. Follow the marked area and jump into the tank. You need to follow it through the city, destroying the “Black Hand” technique. Once on a construction site, distract the dictator’s army until the timer expires. Other militias will help you, and the task, in fact, boils down to surviving in the allotted time.

Head north to Paso Ventoso, where Operation Windwalker will begin directly. After the start, move to the indicated enemy base and go inside. Two windmills will need to be destroyed. They are destroyed in the same way: first shoot at the red part on the side, then at the rotating propeller in the back (the protection flies off after the red part is destroyed). The second cannon is located on the upper floor, which can be accessed from the hall from the first.

One of the windmills

After destroying both guns, go downstairs and follow the marker, leaving the base. Get to a new place where you need to destroy another wind cannon. Follow Caesar at Storm Catcher and chase the hurricane in your car. When you need to leave the car, you will have to destroy four more wind cannons – two at different outposts. If you feel that the hurricane is pulling Rico, then just use the grappling hook and move away from him.

After destroying four guns, go to the city, save Caesar on the “Storm Catcher” and watch the video. Caesar will start the hurricane growth process. You will have to fight off an attack on three different wind cannons, moving towards them using a wingsuit. Enemy helicopters are best captured, but be careful not to get close to the tornado. If it sucks in a technique, then leave it and fly away. As soon as the scale is full, then jump towards the hurricane, open the parachute and fly upward. The video will start soon.


Operation Sandstinger

Capture Riskos Altos in the northwest part of the map and head to meet Lanza Morales. By the way, during the capture of this region, you had to free this man, Mira’s uncle. The meeting with him will take place in the same detention cell where he was earlier.

The next part of the preparation is the train robbery. Follow to the southeast part of the central area of ​​Kachas and interact with the marker. Jump down and grab the train. Follow to the wagon with the weapon and climb inside through the hatch in its upper part. Using a cannon, shoot back from enemy helicopters and tanks. Preference should be given to “turntables”. When the train stops, then leave it and follow to the base. After killing opponents close to the control panel, activate it to keep the train moving.

Armored train

Return to the gun and shoot back at the enemies. When Mira says that you need to get ready, then leave the gun and go to the locomotive. Turn around to see the fastening device for the freight container car. Wait for the command, and then shoot at the fasteners.

Within three to four minutes it will be necessary to fight off the attack of the “Black Hand”, since the weapon allows you to do this without any problems. Gradually, the forces of Chaos will begin to appear at the location, so the task will be simplified. Trains will move from different directions twice in a battle. Shoot locomotives to get rid of potential threats. When the time expires, the task will be completed.

Capture the Maravilas area and travel to its southern outskirts, where the operation itself will begin. Move on the train, shooting back at opponents. From time to time you will need to destroy obstacles on the way. Shoot them in advance! Several times you will find yourself in a sandstorm. After one of them, the train will get stuck on an open bridge. Continue to destroy helicopters and shoot at fighters (you need to aim not at fighters, but at the next point, where they will be after a moment). Eventually, the train will keep moving.

After reaching the base in “Zone 1”, destroy opponents until a sandstorm begins. During it, follow the remote on the left and activate it. Then move along the red lights to the other side, turn left and follow this way until you find the cooling system. Destroy the equipment. To do this, remove the black and yellow panels on both sides with a winch and shoot the pipes. A central flask with similar tubes will open. Destroy her. Go back on the lanterns and see that now they lead a little further. Nearby, you will find a second cooling system.

One of the three nodes of the core cooling system

The third is located on the other side. You need to return to the console and go upstairs, along the slope to the right. Get to the equipment, destroy it, go back to the console and interact with it. Hop into the cannon on the train and shoot the cannonball at the very top until the cutscene starts.

Operation Illapa

While on the train, wait for the section of the road where the train stops. Follow the enemy outpost, fight your way through the many Black Hand soldiers and activate two levers by lifting them up. One lever will be in the far left, the other in the far right corner.

With the train sorted out, it’s time to escort the Storm Catcher. Get into the car and drive along the indicated route, avoiding enemies. Try not to crash into obstacles and enemy vehicles as your vehicle is not sufficiently protected. Once you reach the hangar, you will learn about the two proposed gate locations. Follow to each place and on your left hand you will see a roller shutter with a control panel. Using two remotes, unlock the gates in two places, remove the generator protectors and destroy them.

Return to the “Storm Catcher” and ride it inside the laboratory. After reaching the closed room, get out of the car and destroy all machine gun points and opponents. When the location is cleared, then activate two remotes in different edges of the room. Get to the elevator, kill the interfering enemies and activate the panel to go down to the core. Destroy the four stabilizers located on four opposite sides of the device. It is enough just to shoot at them with any weapon. After that, download the virus through the central panel, at the top of the kernel.

Move to Illapa, go inside and kill opponents. There is a control panel on the left side of the podium. Activate it to unlock two turbines. After that, a huge number of soldiers, turrets and even defense drones will appear in the room. Destroy all of them, and only after that, get out the turbine winch and shoot at the red containers rotating inside. When you destroy both turbines, you can go along the corridor and go upstairs to the next floor.

One of the turbines

Having done this, you will see a locked gate. There is a hole above them – climb up to it and enter the workshop. Having dealt with the enemies, destroy the third turbine. Climb to the upper floor using the air currents, enter the hall and destroy several opponents. To destroy the helicopters, either use the rocket launcher or use the winch (pull the helicopters towards the building). Alternatively, you can pull Riko towards the helicopter and grab him by knocking out the pilots. Eventually the video will start. After viewing it, the passage of the game will be completed.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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