What Is Vitamin E Tocopherol;10 Facts You Must Know

The Vitamin E , or tocopherol , is the most widespread and common among vitamins Its antioxidant properties also allow it to protect the body from damage caused by pollution, cigarette smoke, as well as to fight free radicals and facilitate cell renewal.

In which foods is vitamin E present?

The Vitamin E , or tocopherol , is widespread in foods such as oily fruits (such as olives, peanuts, corn) and wheat seeds. Vitamin E is also contained in nuts, green leafy vegetables and cereals.

What is the daily requirement of vitamin E?

The daily requirement of vitamin E varies from 8 to 10 mg.

Vitamin E deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin E , or tocopherol , generally causes defects in growth and development, as well as problems with the general metabolism and disorders of the nervous system. The lack of vitamin E usually occurs in malnutrition situations, and its effects related to growth and development affect younger people.

Excess of vitamin E

The excess of vitamin E , or tocopherol, is rare. When it occurs it can have negative consequences on the cardiovascular system and thyroid secretion. As for the cardiovascular system, the excess of vitamin E can give rise to a rise in blood pressure, dangerous for those who already suffer from hypertension . Those suffering from thyroid malfunctions may experience a reduction in thyroid hormones. The other individuals may experience widespread fatigue , digestive disturbances, nausea and vomiting.

How does vitamin E work on a preventive and therapeutic level?

The vitamin E has important anti-cancer qualities in relation to the origin of cardiovascular disease and anticoagulants. Its anticancer properties derive from its powerful antioxidant action which allows it to protect cell membranes. The vitamin E also favors the correct functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus, since it is able to dimuire the process of aggregation of platelets, and to reduce the emboli, the plaques and blood clots in the arteries. Furthermore, vitamin E with its action increases the level of good cholesterol, exerting a further positive effect on this apparatus. Finally, it is a valuable anticoagulant, because it prevents unwanted blood clots, without preventing the normal clotting required in case of wounds, useful to stop a bleeding.

Vitamin E performs numerous functions, many of which are enhanced by the concomitant presence of selenium (here is an article):

  • Antioxidant action: prevents the oxidation of vitamin A, group B., some pituitary and adrenal hormones, protects cell membranes from peroxidation phenomena, as well as prevents the degradation of saturated fatty acids.
  • Oxygen saver: prevents Oxygen from being attacked by free radicals. People who suffer from poor oxygenation like claudicatio intermittens, in angina pectoris, benefit from it.
  • Also suitable for those who need high amounts of oxygen for muscular efforts such as athletes. It has given significant improvements in long-term aerobic efforts.
  • Protects red blood cells: vitamin E makes erythrocytes more stable.
  • Dermo-protective   cicatrization : it improves the healing of wounds, ulcers, even in diabetics. It also protects the skin from aging. and it is often used in cosmetics precisely for these properties.
  • Reproductive system protection: vitamin E is essential for both male and female fertility. It has been ascertained that this vitamin is useful only in prevention: once a problem has been established, supplementation is useless. It also facilitates the sperm’s ability to join the egg to be fertilized. Useful in combination with selenium, coenzyme q10 zinc to promote naschil fertility .
  • Protective of unsaturated oils and fats in general: the more unsaturated an oil is, the more easily it is oxidizable and therefore needs more vitamin E to avoid rancidity . It has been calculated that an oil to be protected from peroxidation must have a ratio of vitamin E-unsaturated fatty acids in milligrams and grams respectively equal to or greater than 0.65. Oils that do not reach this figure are easily oxidizable.
  • Anticarcinogen: some types of cancer could be linked to the low presence of vitamin E: for example the fluids contained in the breast contain high amounts of lipid peroxides, in addition estrogens are enemies of vitamin E. Other types of cancer linked to an excess of fat of oils are those of the ovaries and the rectum.

Excellent therefore also in the case of thrombosis.

WHO study of the first causes of cardiac risk:

  • vitamin E deficiency 62%
  • cholesterol 29%
  • arterial hypertension 21%

It is also a powerful extracellular antioxidant without contraindications

It should also be remembered that the increase in tissue oxygen decreases the inflammatory level:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis with exacerbation
  • Trigger point: typical muscle spasm that sees the 11 points active

Deficiency symptoms:

Difficult to find them real. Subclinical deficiencies are more widespread. After a vitamin E deprivation there is a degeneration of muscle fibers , rupture of red blood cells, fat formation in muscles, asthenia, neurological lesions.

Vitamin E is destroyed, antagonized by:

The iron sulfate especially if taken together with vitamin E . If both are taken, it is advisable to take one in the morning and one in the evening. Radiation in ozone, chromium, estrogens, laxatives, mineral oils, excess of unsaturated fats, smoke.

Tocopherol interactions:  protects vitamin A, and is reduced by antacid intake.

Warnings and contraindications:

In two particular cases, vitamin E should be administered at low dosage: severe hypertension and in chronic cardiac rheumatism.


The daily dose is around 15 IU. The therapy can reach the value of 1500, but the most used dosages are 400 and 800 IU.

Main sources:  Wheat germ oil, leafy vegetables, whole grains, oleaginous fruit.

by Abdullah Sam
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