Vinyl acetate

Vinyl acetate . It is an organic compound, specifically an ester. Its molecular or empirical formula is C4H6O2, and its semi-developed formula is CH3 – COO – CH = CH2. It is a colorless liquid with a distinctive aroma, it is a precursor to polyvinyl acetate , a polymer widely used in industry.


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  • 1 Chemical properties
  • 2 Most frequent uses
  • 3 Features
  • 4 Chemical Identifiers for Vinyl Acetate
  • 5 Source

Chemical properties

Vinyl acetate is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid with an odor described as sweet. It generally contains an inhibitor, hydroquinone, for storage. Vinyl acetate polymerizes when exposed to light.

Most frequent uses

It is used to make emulsions of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol. The main use of its polymers is in glues, paints, textiles and paper products. Its copolymers have been used on vinyl floor tiles and on phonograph records.


Also known as VAM, it is a clear, colorless liquid. It has a sweet and pleasant fruit aroma, but its smell can be strong and irritating for certain people. Vinyl acetate can be easily smelled when the substance is in airborne concentrations of around 0.5 ppm (one part of vinyl acetate in 2 million parts of air). This chemical evaporates quickly in air and dissolves easily in water. Vinyl Acetate is flammable and can catch fire due to heat, sparks, or open flames.

Vinyl Acetate Chemical Identifiers

  1. Flammability: Liquids and solids that can ignite in almost all ambient temperature conditions.
  2. Health: Materials under which intense or continuous exposure may suffer temporary disability or possible permanent damage unless prompt medical treatment is given.
  3. Instability: Unstable materials that can undergo violent chemical changes but do not detonate. It should also include those materials that react violently on contact with water or that can form potentially explosive mixtures with water.


by Abdullah Sam
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