Vanessa cardui

Vanessa cardui butterfly ( Vanessa cardui ). It is a species of Lepidopteroditrisio of the Nymphalidae family. It is one of the butterflies with the greatest geographical distribution, being found on all continents except Antarctica . It can live in any temperate zone, including mountains in the tropics, however, it is only resident in warm areas, but migrates in spring, and sometimes in autumn.

Other closely related species are Vanessa kershawi (sometimes considered a subspecies), Vanessa virginiensis, and Vanessa annabella. The butterfly Vanessa of the thistles or cardera (Vanessa cardui) is an arthropod that belongs to the order of Lepidoptera and the family of Nymphalids (Nymphalidae). Its genus is Vanessa and its species is Vanessa Cardui.


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  • 1 General characteristics
  • 2 He lives
  • 3 Food
  • 4 Sources

General characteristics

The vanessa de los cardos is a large butterfly (5 to 9 cm) characterized by its black and white corners on the mainly orange wings with black dots. The eggs take two weeks to hatch, once hatched the caterpillar takes 7-11 days to become a chrysalis and the chrysalis another 7-11 days to become a butterfly. The vanessa de los thisdos does not stay in a specific area for a long time, it can travel 1,600 km during its entire life.

Its body is furry and the back of its wings are orange tones that contrast with black and white. This butterfly is migratory. Adults migrate to northern Europe during the coldest months, to return to the Bages region in March. Due to their rapid migration, they are among the first diurnal species to be identified among early spring flowers. The caterpillar of the Vanessa cardera is characterized by its blackish tone and its yellow lines, in addition to the large tufts of hair they carry.

Due to its morphology, the Vanessa cardera has great similarities with the better known or more frequent Butterfly of the Queen or Vulcano (Vanessa atalanta).


It is a butterfly with the greatest geographical distribution, since it is found on all continents except Antarctica . In the case of Australia , the Vanessa is limited to the Bunbury , Fremantle , and Rottnest Island regions . In Spain , for its part, many specimens have been found in the Maldaerreka valley of Navarre, specifically in Satesteban or Doneztebe.

Thus, the Vanessa cardera is a species that can be found in any temperate zone, including the mountainous areas of the tropics, but it can only reside in warm zones.


As for its diet, this butterfly is polyphagous; that is, that he has an excessive desire to eat and feed himself at all hours. In their case, it is the leaves of various species of thistles, the Cirsium and Carduus genera of the Compositae family, and the nettles that nourish them.


by Abdullah Sam
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