Tramadol: properties, how to use, side effects,

Tramadol ( Tramadol, ) or a drug that is commonly known by the trade name Na dollars ( Anadol ), it’s topped with ethanol ( Matradol ), Tramore’s ( Tramol ) was administered in Rio. Pioid (Opioid) used as a moderate to severe pain reliever (Tramadol is as effective for pain relief as morphine for low to moderate pain. But less effective for severe pain)

If taking Tramadol in oral form The drug will act about 1 hour after taking the drug, the maximum effect is 2-3 hours after eating, and the effect will disappear within 6 hours.

The drug law in our home prescribes tramadol as a dangerous drug under the Drug Act 1967 and is sold in conventional pharmacies. The use of this drug must be cautious and should be under a doctor’s prescription only. Patients should not buy this drug to take by themselves.

Example of tramadol drug

Tramadol drug(Common name) Trade names such as Amanda / Amanda, Anadol / Anadol (Anadol), Analab (Analab), Anamol (Anamol). , Captanil, Crismal, Duocetz, Famadol, Gatadol, Greatamol. , Himmadol, Jv dol, K matex (K matex), Mabron, Maditer, Maditer ( Madol), Madola, Matradol, Modsenal, Nytradol, Pacmadol, Pendol. Paindol, Pinnadol, Pharmadol, Ramadol (Ramadol), Sefmal, Sonamol capsules. ), Starmadol, Tamolan, Temdol, Terpan, Tracine, Tracine, Trabar-50 capsules. Trabar (50 capsules), Tracine (Tracine), Tradolgesic (Tradolgesic), Tradonal capsule, Tragesic (Tragesic), Trama),Trama tablets, tramacap, tramada, tramadil, tramadol, tramadol Ramadol Stada (Tramadol Stada), Tramadol TP (Tramadol TP), Tramadol Utopian, Tramol, Tramad (Tramamed), Tramax (Tramax), Tramazac, Tramed, Tramoda (Tramoda), Tramomet (Tramomet), Trasic ( Trasic), Trapidol, Traumed, Troma capsules, Trosic, Ultracet, Updol. , Wesnon-V 100 (Vesnon-V 100), Volcidol (Volcidol), etc.Tramed, Tramoda, Tramomet, Trasic, Trapidol, Traumed, Call Troma capsules, Trosic, Ultracet, Updol, Vesnon-V 100, Volcidol ) Etc.Tramed, Tramoda, Tramomet, Trasic, Trapidol, Traumed, Call Troma capsules, Trosic, Ultracet, Updol, Vesnon-V 100, Volcidol ) Etc.

Tramadol dosage forms

  1. Single drug type
    • Capsule (yellow green capsule), strength 50 mg / capsule
    • 50 mg strength tablet / tablet
    • Long-acting tablets, strength 100 mg / tablet
    • 100 mg / 1 ml liquid dropper
    • Suppositories, 100 mg / tablet
    • 50 mg / ml and 100 mg / 2 ml injectable drugs.
  2. Combination type
    • A 37.5 mg strength tablet mixed with paracetamol. (Paracetamol) 325mg / tablet



Properties of the drug Tramadol

  • Used as a pain reliever, moderate to severe pain. (Both types of acute pain and chronic pain) such as migraine pain, nervous pain (Neuralgia), back pain, knee pain, joint pain, etc.
  • This medication may be used to treat other diseases or conditions.If you have questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Mechanism of action and addiction to tramadol

Tramadol has two mechanisms of action, the most important of which is the act of stimulating the µ-receptor (-receptor), which, when activated, has a pain relieving effect. Including having a depressing effect on the nervous system And results in a state of high euphoria (Euphoria), which this action is the same as the action of morphine drugs. But Tramadol is about 10 times less potent (some data indicate that It is about 5-20 times less potent), which makes it not as addictive as morphine. (But still classified as a dangerous drug and available over-the-counter) However, although Tramadol is 10 times less effective than morphine, it still has a great pain-relieving effect due to another mechanism of action. One of the synergies is the activity of the neurotransmitters Serotonin (Serotonin) and Noripinephrine. (Norepinephrine), both of which, when there is an increase in the spinal cord, can help relieve pain.

But an increase in Serotonin (Serotonin) from an overdose, such as taking 3-4 pills at a time, may result in a condition known as ” Serotonin syndrome ” (a symptom of serotonin syndrome ). Too much rotonin) and may develop symptoms in a group called Extrapyramidal, such as difficulty swallowing, trembling hands, fever, severe muscle spasms. Or, there may be neurological symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, and paranoia. (Norepinephrine) can cause headache, palpitations, nervous system stimulation and seizures. Which of these symptoms will occur more or less will depend on many factors such as the dose taken. Combination with drugs or other substances that may increase or decrease the action of the drug. Kidney function Heredity of genes used to destroy tramadol, etc.

If Tramadol is misused Use several tablets consecutively at a time. Or used in conjunction with alcoholic beverages Energy drinks or soda can cause side effects to the nervous system, such as being euphoria and euphoria quickly and hard. As a result, users have a need to use the drug every day. And when using the drug continuously for a long time The body will need more drugs and addiction. If the drug is not taken into the body, it can cause withdrawal symptoms. And if the drug is used too much, the drug can depress the nervous system so much that it can lead to insensitivity.

It can be seen that using tramadol drugs to cause euphoria is so dangerous that it can lead to death. Therefore, it might not be worth having to trade your life just for a moment’s happiness. In addition to adversely affecting your health The use of this drug for addiction can also lead to other family, social and national problems.

Before using tramadol,

When prescribing all drugs, including tramadol Here are some things to tell your doctor or pharmacist:

  • History of allergy to any drug In particular, drug tramadol (Tramadol), Codeine (Codeine), Opiate (Opiate) painkillers or other types of cough syrups, including allergy symptoms such as taking medications. Then increased nausea, rash or tightness, difficulty breathing / difficulty breathing
  • Various underlying diseases and prescription or self-administered drugs Including dietary supplements, vitamins, and various herbal drugs that are currently or are currently being used. Especially the herbal medicine St. John’s Wort (St John’s Wort), because tramadol may increase the severity of the symptoms you have. Or drug interactions with other drugs and / or other dietary supplements (In some cases, drugs that interact with the drug cannot be used together. But in some cases it may be necessary to use those two drugs together. Although there may be interactions between drugs that can occur In which case the doctor may adjust the dosage or increase caution when using it
    • Taking tramadol and antidepressants such as amitriptin (Amitriptyline) can induce seizures. Especially drug use in alcoholics Patients with brain tumors And the elderly Which is a high-risk group
    • Combining tramadol, anti-depressants such as Diazepam, Lorazepam, can cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and decreased consciousness.
    • Taking tramadol and chlorpromazine drugs (Chlorpromazine), Quinine (Quinine), Fluoxetine (Fluoxetine), Carbamazine. (Carbamazepine) may reduce the effect of drug tramadol.
    • Combining tramadol, narcotic pain relievers such as Codeine and Fentanyl, can increase the risk of seizures, discomfort and shortness of breath or shortness of breath. difficult Trembling If the drug must be used together, the doctor must adjust the appropriate dosage for each patient individually.
    • Taking tramadol along with drinking alcoholic beverages increases central nervous depression. Stupor Has symptoms similar to a drunk person Dizziness Or even more sleepy Therefore should not be used together
  • Have gastritis, diabetes, lung disease such as Asthma, or other breathing problems
  • Having or have ever had lung, liver or kidney function disorders.
  • Being or have ever had a history of brain tumors Head injury Infection in the brain or spinal cord Cerebrovascular disease High intracranial pressure Seizures or epilepsy, depression, or a previous history of killing or attempted suicide
  • Have a history of heavy or frequent drug and alcohol use
  • Surgery and Surgery This includes dental and dental surgery.
  • If it’s a lady Should report that there is a pregnancy Or are planning a pregnancy Or are breastfeeding This is because many drugs can pass through the placenta or milk and enter the baby, potentially causing adverse effects on the baby.

Contraindications / precautions for use of Tramadol

  • Do not use this drug on people with a history of allergic reaction to tramadol and opium derivatives.
  • Do not use this drug on people who are asphyxiate. People who have been addicted to this drug or have been addicted to alcohol People who have attempted suicide Patients suffering from alcoholism People with alcohol poisoning. Opium derivatives And psychotropic substances
  • Do not share drugs with others and do not use drugs that are worn or expired.
  • Do not crush this medicine to inhale or inject a solution of this medicine into your body. Because it may cause death
  • The combination of this drug with amphetamine should be avoided. Opium derivatives Or antidepressants (Tricyclic and MAOI types) because they may increase the risk of seizures.
  • The combined use of this drug with alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Opium derivatives And psychotropic substances Because it may enhance central nervous depressant activity Causing more drowsiness or drowsiness
  • The use of this drug should be cautioned in patients with epilepsy or a history of seizures, patients with respiratory disease, patients with hypertension. And people with impaired liver or kidney function
  • Caution should be exercised by pregnant and lactating women.
  • This drug may cause drowsiness, slow decision-making after taking the drug, so avoid driving. And / or working with machinery or sharp objects And / or doing activities that require concentration
  • This medicine may cause dizziness and fainting, so it shouldn’t be rapidly rising or sitting down.

How to use Tramadol

  • Adults and children aged 14 years and over: Dose 50-100 mg per day and repeat the dose every 4-6 hours when symptoms occur, but the maximum is 400 mg per day (for persons over 75 years of age, the maximum Not more than 300 mg per day)
  • In children under 14 years of age, the dosage regimen is at the discretion of the physician.

Instructions for use of Tramadol

  • This drug can be taken either before or after food. But should eat the same every time (Do not crush or chew tablets. Because it will make the drug absorbed too quickly) by taking the drug with clean water
  • If this drug is taken before meals and stomach irritation occurs. The next dose of the drug should be replaced with food or milk instead.
  • This drug is available in capsule and tablet form. It is usually repeated every four to six hours when pain occurs. Or use this medication strictly as directed on the label or as directed by your doctor. Do not take smaller doses, more often, or for longer than indicated. Because it can cause serious harm (Especially taking more drugs than indicated) If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Dosage and duration of taking Tramadol It must be at the discretion of the doctor only.
  • This medicine can cause dry mouth and constipation. While taking the drug, drink plenty of fluids and focus on fruits, vegetables or high-fiber foods.
  • If using this drug for a long time Do not immediately stop the drug. Patients should consult their physician or pharmacist for advice on properly reducing the dosage. Because stopping the drug suddenly can cause a lack of medication These symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, sweating, trembling, body pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In severe cases, there may be hearing loss or hallucinations. Other symptoms that may be seen include fear and numbness.
  • For people who take medication and experience any of the following symptoms, stop the drug and seek medical attention : confusion, hallucinations (such as ringing or hallucinations), agitation. Fever or symptoms such as fever, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, fainting, rapid breathing, weak pulse, seizures, pain inside your mouth, nose, eyes or throat, hoarseness, swallowing or difficulty breathing. Breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, itchy rash, hives, skin thinning, peeling, swelling, blistering, redness, including soft tissues inside the mouth Swelling of various organs such as face, eyes, lips, throat, tongue, hands, arms, calves, legs, ankles

How do i store Tramadol drug?

  • Keep this medication in the original container it came in, tightly closed, and kept out of the reach of children and pets.
  • The drug should be stored at room temperature between 15-30 degrees Celsius. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat. And do not store the drug in a wet or damp area Because heat or humidity can cause drug quality deterioration.
  • Discard any drug that is worn out or has expired.

When you forget to take tramadol

This medication is generally used only when there is pain. If after taking the medicine once and the pain subsides or goes away, then no more medication is needed Forgetting to take this medicine is not dangerous at all. But if pain persists, this drug can be repeated every 4-6 hours without increasing the dose of the next dose. And if you forget to take Tramadol next time To take the medicine as soon as possible But if it is close to the next time You can skip to the next dose. Without increasing the dose twice or more than usual

Side effects of tramadol drugs

  • Possible side effects of taking Tramadol are confusion, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, hallucinations, headache, dizziness, spinning, drowsiness, weakness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, palpitations, tremors, blurred vision, vision loss. Not clear High blood pressure Low blood pressure Irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain, bloating, dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination or urination, hepatitis, weight loss, drug allergies (hives, rash, bronchospasm. Stevens-Johnson syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)) anaphylactoid reaction (Anaphylactoid), etc.
    • The more common side effects of this drug are headache, dizziness, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, constipation.
    • Serious side effects that can cause death, such as convulsions, depressing the body’s respiratory centers. Or Serotonin Syndrome (Serotonin syndrome), which is displayed in many systems of the body at the same time, such as muscle spasms, high blood pressure and hallucinations. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to death.
  • A very overdose of this drug may depress the respiratory center. Slow breathing Drowsiness If severe, it will pass consciousness to a coma. Muscle weakness Cold hands and sweating Shrink pupils May have seizures, bradycardia, low blood pressure And the heart might stop beating
  • Long-term use of this drug can cause addiction, both physical and psychological. Especially in people who have previously been addicted to opium derivatives.


by Abdullah Sam
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