Tips to combat the 5 dirtiest areas of a house

In Spain, 12% of the population defines themselves as a cleaning perfectionist, compared to 71% who simply state that they try hard to keep their home clean and tidy. However, do we dedicate ourselves to those areas that accumulate more germs at home? Several studies point to the great ignorance of the dirtiest areas of the house . Despite being able to intuit the most obvious ones, there are others that are discovered from, specialists in cleaning services, to take into account in the daily care of the home.

According to, the 5 dirtiest spots in a home and, as a consequence, where more germs accumulate are the sink, kitchen counter, taps, toothbrush cup and bathtub. These are the reasons and recommendations:

  1. The sink: itis 100,000 times more polluted than the bathroom, becoming the place where more germs accumulate. It is where food waste is left, food waste that is washed, and in turn it is also where kitchen utensils are cleaned. For this reason, recommends “cleaning it once or twice a week with a disinfectant product.”
  2. Kitchen counter and cutting board:There are 200 times more fecal bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat, according to a study by Dr. Gerba. It is the same case as the sink since, with the difference that it is not used to clean food utensils, it is where food is put, shopping bags support, even other objects that come from the street. Clintu points out “smooth and waterproof materials tend to accumulate fewer germs but it is advisable to clean once a day with hot water and soap.”
  3. The taps:we use them on a daily basis and they are constantly found in various places in a house, specifically, the source of bacteria is concentrated in the taps. The recommendation for these places is a daily cleaning, each time the sink is washed, the taps should also be cleaned.
  4. The toothbrush cup: itshould be one of the cleanest places since we deposit a personal cleaning utensil in it. However, after brushing your teeth, even if you try to rinse the brush, there are always traces that accumulate dirt. It is advisable to clean the container two or three times a week, in the dishwasher or manually with the same product that you wash dishes.
  5. The shower and the bathtub: itis the place where germs and viruses are eliminated from the body, but many of these do not go down the drain, remaining on the surface and can develop on these types of surfaces that are usually wet. To keep the bathtub clean and prevent the appearance of dark or yellowish stains on its surface, we must first wash it once or twice a week.

On the contrary, and surprisingly, the toilet bowl is one of the cleanest areas of our home. According to a study by Dr Gerba, a professor of microbiology in the USA, it contains about 50 bacteria per 2.54 cm square and points out that “there are normally 200 times more fecal bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat »


by Abdullah Sam
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