Tips to take care of the voice at a professional level

It is clear that all people must take care of the voice, but more especially those who work with it at a professional level.

In the same way that elite athletes need specific training, there are certain professionals who need to exercise their voice more. This is the case of the teachers, the radio announcers, the commercials, the actors and, of course, the dubbers.

In general, any person who, given their professional occupation, is forced to subject the voice to an extra effort. In this field, those who can help us are specialists in otorhinolaryngology and phoniatrics . These can teach us basic voice care. For example, to locally warm, stretch, elasticize and hydrate the airways and larynx to get the most out of the voice with minimum effort. In the same way, these specialists will give us instructions to avoid or delay possible vocal pathologies.

Voice care tips

  1. Rest:after prolonged use of the voice, it is key not to speak in order to rest. The ideal is to respect fifteen minutes of total silence.
  2. Do not clear your throat:we know it is a very frequent gesture, but it is 100% counterproductive. Instead, it is preferable to take small sips of water and, if it is necessary to clear the throat, cough but do not clear your throat.
  3. Take medicine with head:read the contraindications of the drugs very well. For example, psychotropic and antihistamines dry the mucosa, inhibiting its vibration. On the other hand, contraceptives can alter the mucosa and the vascular fabric of the vocal cords.
  4. Play sports with caution:avoid weight. It is preferable to do more repetitions of an exercise with less weight.
  5. Warm up your voice:For example, you can take advantage of the morning shower to hum and warm up your voice.
  6. Hydration: itis recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day, especially when the voice is abused. Of course, avoid drinks and menthol or eucalyptus foods.
  7. Combat Reflux:Digestive tract problems, such as gastric reflux or slow and heavy digestions, sometimes cause voice disturbances.
  8. Taking local pectin or vitamin E:a simple gesture like eating an apple in the zest while you are doing a speaking activity will help lubricate your vocal cords.


by Abdullah Sam
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