Tips for Learning Accounting Quickly and Easily

The word accounting is already familiar to our ears. We often encounter the use of the word accounting in several media, such as the name of the school / college majors, books, especially in the field of finance or bookkeeping. Yes, accounting is a science that can be applied directly to daily life. In addition, accounting also has very good hopes for the future. Almost all entities or companies, both profit oriented and non profit oriented on a large or small scale need accounting knowledge to help them in making financial statements. Therefore, the opportunity for a career in the accounting world is also very attractive. By studying accounting, you can compete in the industrial world.


Especially in today’s digital era, companies will look for the best candidates to work in their companies. Employees sought are not only those who have excellence, but also those who are responsive, sensitive to dynamic changes. There are many big challenges that must be faced. Starting from the concept of general understanding, changes in standards or regulations, and also the use of technology. But that’s not a big problem, if you master accounting and some internet applications related to accounting. To help you, here we provide tips to learn accounting quickly and easily in the digital age:


Understand the Definition & Basic Concepts of Accounting

Before preparing to make an accounting report, the first thing you must do is understand the understanding of accounting and its basic concepts. There are several definitions of accounting according to experts but if you conclude the essence is the same. Accounting is a process of recording, classifying, summarizing, processing, and presenting transaction data, as well as financial-related events so that they can be used by stakeholders or interested parties in making decisions and other objectives.The basic concept of accounting itself is simple. There are debits on the left side and credit on the right side. The balance between debit and credit must be the same or balanced. However, keep in mind, a balanced balance may not be the right balance, but the right balance is definitely balanced. Next, the accounting equation formula:





After that, understand the accounting process starting from keeping a journal, posting to a ledger, making a trial balance before adjusting, making adjusting journals, making lane balances after adjusting, making financial reports, making closing journals, and reversing journals.


Also read:  Understanding Basic Accounting for Beginners

Find Accounting Applications or Software Online

If you already understand the notion of accounting, concepts, basic equations, and processes of accounting, then it’s time to try to run the accounting process using an application or software . There are various kinds of applications or online accounting software that can be used, one of which is a Journal . Journal is an online accounting software that provides convenience in managing financial reports instantly and realtime. Journals can also be accessed anywhere and anytime using an Internet connection. Therefore, the Journal can be a solution for those of you who want to carry out the company’s accounting process easily, quickly, safely and comfortably.


To use Journal, you can register your company or business right now here  and get a free trial for 14 days. Take advantage of the opportunities that exist today, for the sake of the advancement of the business that you are building. And as employees and prospective employees, you can try to improve skills that will add value to yourself.

Expand Exercise

One more thing to remember, accounting is a process. So it takes a lot of practice, especially accounting is a practice not just a theory. Frequent reading of accounting cases will also make you more understanding about accounting. That way you will get used to solving accounting problems. Never give up on learning accounting, accounting is easy and fun.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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