The effects of Covid on the mind

Many patients recovered from Covid, even in a mild form, complain of a sense of “mental fog”, ie tiredness, difficulty concentrating and remembering. Here’s what it is and how it comes out

  • Memory difficulties, fatigue, fog
  • A symptom that drags on after healing
  • Why do cognitive disorders occur
  • Cognitive disorders affect both the young and the elderly
  • From the “mental fog” one heals

The famous US virologist Anthony Fauci called it “brain fog”. Richard Quest, a CNN journalist, also spoke about it, who after having had Covid last April, for several weeks complained of aftermath, such as a sense of general fog, confusion, fatigue . Subjected to neurological tests, it was confirmed that these are possible consequences of the Sars-Cov2 virus on the brain.

Memory difficulties, fatigue, fog

According to the biologist Barbara Gallavotti, also author of Superquark, 1 in 20 Covid patients (5%) reports short, medium and long-term aftermath in terms of mental disorders or fatigue. These are mainly young people, between 18 and 49 years old , who have had mild symptoms , such as fever, cough or difficulty in breathing, but without having resorted to intensive care. Aluko Hope, an intensive care specialist at Montefiore Hospital in New York City, confirmed “cognitive fog” symptoms in 30% of their patients , who struggle to remember phone numbers or to express themselves in appropriate language , as was the case. before getting sick. According to the data of theAmerican CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported last July, this type of disorder would affect almost 1 in 5 Covid patients between 18 and 34 years , who would struggle to return to normal concentration and “mental health”.

A symptom that drags on after healing

«The scientific literature confirms that in the acute phase of the disease, in 80% of cases the most important symptom is fatigue , followed by shortness of breath and cough. In the post Covid phase, both shortness of breath and fatigue remain, albeit to a lesser extent. However, the importance of the cognitive and psychological consequences of the disease has recently emerged »explains Sandro Iannaccone, director of the Department of Rehabilitation of Cognitive-Motor Neurological Disorders at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. “In our experience, 70% of those who had been hospitalized for Covid had ailments such as mental confusion, disorientation, memory loss and difficulty concentrating , while over half suffered fromdepression or post traumatic stress . We checked them again after two months and these symptoms were still present , albeit lessened. This means that there is a post-Covid phase that requires psychological and psychiatric assistance and neurological and motor rehabilitation “adds the expert.

Why do cognitive disorders occur

One of the possible explanations of brain disorders and therefore also of the consequences on the mind could be the immune response caused by the virus , which can increase inflammation and can affect different organs: lungs, kidneys, but also skin with cutaneous manifestations . also linked to coagulation problems. Precisely these could be the reason for the effects on the brain.


A study by a team of Swedish researchers from the University of Gothenburg, published in Neurology , showed that in cases of moderate infection some biomarkers (Gfap and Nfl) were altered, which are usually present in cases of damage to neurological cells or “hyperactivation” . ” It would appear that Covid has its own ability to damage the brain. But it is not clear whether the virus or the immune system response causes this phenomenon “said Professor Henrik Zetterberg, professor of neurochemistry. “The reasons for cognitive disturbances can be more than one. For example, it should not be underestimated that, when we resort to intensive care or breathing helmets, it is because greater oxygenation is needed and the organ most sensitive to oxygen deficiency is the brain , along with the heart and lungs “he says. Sandro Iannaccone, director of the Rehabilitation Department of Cognitive-Motor Neurological Disorders of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. “Let’s not forget, then, that when you are in resuscitation or sub-intensive therapy, you lose track of time: the light is almost always on, the sleep-wake rhythm disappears and sleep disturbances occur even in the post Covid phase. Finally, from a psychological point of view, during the hospitalization we see people suffering or dying ».

Cognitive disorders affect both the young and the elderly

But why do some cognitive disorders and the sense of mental fog also affect the youngest or those who have not been forced to hospital? «The difference between young and old consists mainly in the body’s response to the disease, especially in terms of outward symptoms. However, this does not mean that viral load is less important. Simply in the youngest, in the acute phase, there is a faster and more effective response from the immune system . We also see it with other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s: it is not the cause of death in itself, while urinary and pulmonary infections are, but in a healthy and younger person they resolve in a positive way “explains the head physician.

From the “mental fog” one heals

French studies have shown temporary memory loss in 34% of hospitalized patients with Sars-Cov2 infection among the alarm bells of cognitive disorders and in 27% of cases difficulty concentrating even months after the disease. Canadian research has also shown that the latter symptom is among the 101 most frequent physical, neurological and psychological symptoms reported by former Covid patients both in the short and long term. “From our experience we have seen that complete recovery occurs in about a month , at least in half of Covid patients. At least at the level of the most classic and evident symptoms: to know if they will remain effects on a cognitive level we will have to wait and check with the follow ups, that is, you check over time. But just as physical and motor rehabilitation is important in bedridden subjects, so some exercises, such as those to strengthen the memory, can help to recover earlier even from a cognitive point of view »explains neurologist Sandro Iannaccone. “Even if you have not been hospitalized, in case of ailments it may be useful to contact your doctor, who will be able to direct you to post Covid clinics where you can follow the rehabilitation” advises the expert.

by Abdullah Sam
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