Tarraco Amphitheater

Tarraco Amphitheater . It was built very close to the sea, behind the city wall of Tarraco , capital of the Roman province Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis , currently Tarragona , Catalonia , designated as “World Heritage” by UNESCO , thanks to the exceptional vestiges of Roman times that they are still preserved.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 Use of the amphitheater
  • 3 Technical characteristics
  • 4 Source


It was built in the 2nd century BC, commissioned by a Roman priest. It fell into disuse in the 5th century , and then a Visigothic basilica was built for which ashlars from the building itself were used and in the 12th century , a Roman-Gothic church was built on the remains of this basilica.

Use of the amphitheater

In it all kinds of shows were disputed, such as the munera : gladiatorial fight or the venationes : animal fights. It was built near the sea in the lower part of the city due to its easy access, both for the public attending the shows and for the landing on the beach of the animals used by them.

Technical characteristics

Capacity: 15,000 people.

Architectural shape: Ellipsis shape.

Measurements: 130×102 meters in elliptical shape.

Stays: Podium , it was the scenario that was located on one side of the amphitheater and fossae underground rooms for wild beasts and gladiators who had a forklift to lift into the arena of the amphitheater. The cave was the grandstand with three steps , sectors intended for the public separated by walls and corridors to separate the spectators by social class.


by Abdullah Sam
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