System of activities for preparation in planning methodological work

System of activities for preparation in planning methodological work. It is a system of actions that allow the preparation of the directors of Basic Secondary in the planning of the methodological work. It offers how to proceed according to the characteristics of each center, how to operate and use its components to achieve its proposed objectives.

System of activities for preparation in planning methodological work


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  • Methodological Work
    • 1 Functions of methodological work
    • 2 Characterization of the methodological work
  • 2 Aspects to consider by the director for proper planning of methodological work
  • 3 Characteristics that the planning of the methodological work must have
  • 4 Examples of activities to work with the directors in their preparation for planning the methodological work
    • 1 Activity 1. Methodological work. Your planning
    • 2 Activity 2. Algorithm to be followed by the director in planning the methodological work
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Bibliography
  • 7 Sources

Methodological work

Functions of methodological work

  • It is a means to direct the educational teaching process since the effect or consequence of this is reflected in the changes seen in the results in the educational work of the school.
  • Its objective is the assimilation by teachers and directors of the advanced methodology of teaching and education of students.
  • It is a system of activities, planned and dynamic.
  • Aimed at preparing the cadres and teachers.
  • With precise objectives in the transformations of the teaching-educational process.
  • It is structured and designed based on a diagnosis.
  • It is a management process.

Characterization of the methodological work

  1. Have a diagnosis of each director and this of their teachers as a professional and as an individual to determine their needs in: Technical – methodological, Scientific – pedagogical, Comprehensive general culture, Sphere political ideo.
  2. It requires maintaining a professional interaction to incorporate it into the process of diagnosis and interrelation of the educational reality that, while transforming it, is perfected as a human and professional being.
  3. Control and evaluate the comprehensive pedagogical training process, its achievements and deficiencies and how to eradicate them, seeing this in the result of the teaching-educational process. This allows enriching the diagnosis, control and evaluation of those involved in the methodological work.

Aspects to be considered by the director for proper planning of the methodological work

So that the planning of the methodological work in the work system is effective, that is, it is planned according to the needs; This planning must take into account in the previous analysis of management capacity the following:

  1. Planning of the work to be done by the institution.
  2. Coordination of the actions to be carried out.
  3. Preparation of personnel for execution.
  4. Organization of execution.

This presupposes a coordinated work of the entire structure led by the director, where each grade leader proposes what to do and how, so that a preliminary analysis of the management skills of all the personnel that affects the teachers begins.
This allows the director to diagnose his structure in the domain of educational policy, his creativity in implementation, his ability to materialize concrete actions, his ability to plan and coordinate.
If the principal is able to intervene only when he does not see clarity, or decisions must be made that are his or other factors of the school community, this will allow him to diagnose and determine his needs, allows the professional development of his staff, establish relationships of cooperation, sense of belonging and sense of individual responsibility.

Characteristics that must have the planning of the methodological work

Taking into account the systemic nature that characterizes the methodological work, each director inserts into the work system the plan of methodological activities to be carried out in the course and in stages as defined by each one of them.
Based on the problems detected and the diagnosis made at each level, the objectives and activities to be developed will be defined. These must be articulated and will be planned in a logical sequence taking into account the particularities that characterize them, to fulfill these objectives.

The activities of a collective nature, are specified in the degrees that constitute the basic cells of the methodological work and also at the level of the cloister, technical council and methodological preparation. As an essential element and basis of all methodological work is the preparation of the director.

When projecting the necessary activities, it is done based on the needs of each partner, so the scope of what a comprehensive diagnosis is and what it is done for must be known. In the investigation on the definition of diagnosis given by different specialists, the following is considered as one of the most complete and comprehensive:
Pedagogical diagnosis is a continuous, dynamic, systematic and participatory process. Which implies making an approach to educational reality in order to know it, analyze it and evaluate it from reality itself, forecast its change, as well as propose actions that lead to its treatment and transformation, specifying these in the design of the microcurriculum and in the direction of the teaching-learning process ¨ (Páez Suárez V. 1998  : 45)
This leads to the planning having to bear in mind by the director basic aspects such as:

  • School needs.
  • That it responds to stages or period.
  • Preventive approach according to the changes and implementation of the new model.
  • It is approved by the board of directors.

From the foregoing, it is inferred that planning requires the principal to have an accurate diagnosis of the school structure and community and of the Basic Secondary model so that at the time what is planned to be done in each grade, group, teachers and with their structure, an algorithm is used that not only leads to the fulfillment of the objectives set for the Basic Secondary School, but also that each teacher, each head of grade knows what to do, when, why and how their results are evaluated.
This will allow the planning of the methodological work to be done taking into account the following features:

  • Make effective the scheme of priorities.
  • Anticipate solution options.
  • Anticipate possible difficulties.
  • Commit each and everyone with their part in sufficient time.
  • Let everyone know their commitments.
  • Provide time for preparation, execution, control and reserve for unforeseen events.

Examples of activities to work with managers in preparing for methodological work planning

Activity 1. Methodological work. Your planning

Objective: Prepare directors on what methodological work is, their role in planning.
Organization form: Workshop. (Collective space for reflection, action, thought and application based on the participation and cooperation of its members.)
Form of control: Joint methodological training, visit to the board of directors.
Study guide one for pre-workshop preparation.
Title: The methodological work. Its conception and planning.
-Analysis in texts and normative documents regarding what is methodological work, essential elements for planning, components, procedures, role of the director in the conception and planning of methodological work.

  • Ministerial resolution 85-99
  • Ministerial resolution 120-10
  • Basic Secondary School Model.
  • The comprehensive diagnosis. (Theme of the book Notions of Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy).

Control method :
Workshop office .
Selection of the director who will present the activity and the work rules.
Registrar selection.
Write the questions to be answered on the board.
What is methodological work?
Who runs it?
What does it rely on for this?
What are its components, define them, what features or elements make it up? Define what is methodological work planning:
Why is it the basis of the direction of the educational teaching process?
Make summary.

Activity 2. Algorithm to be followed by the director in planning the methodological work

Objective: Design the algorithm to be followed by the director in planning the methodological work.
-Agreements of the Board of Directors.
-Stage learning strategy.
-Updated diagnosis of teachers and students.
-Guidance received.
How to implement them?
Form of work: Panel (It constitutes a discussion method in which a group of speakers will make their interventions in front of an audience that generally participates later, during a period dedicated to questions and answers.
The panel’s main objective is to offer a vision or clearer and broader understanding of a specific content or problem.)
The moderator is a fundamental element for its realization and for the direction of the activity it must be taken into account:

  • Presentation of the topic and its importance.
  • Explain the procedure to use.
  • Promote the intervention of the panelists.
  • It serves as a link between the participants and the panelists.

Organization: The plan to be discussed is presented in advance so that they have time for their self-preparation. It will be organized individually.

  1. The director in planning the methodological work.
  • How is the planning act organized? Your address, role of the grade manager.

Sources of information to use of the diagnosis and its causes.

Where do the proposed tasks come from at the center, grade, and teacher level?

  1. In planning what do the following words mean to you:
  • What, why, how, with whom, when, by whom and where?
  • Illustrate it with examples of tasks conceived in your planning.
  1. In the act of planning methodological work, explain and illustrate with examples the moments or steps to be followed by you.
  2. From the month’s objective, priorities and specific aspects.

How do you see the components of the methodological work in your planning? (diagnosis, visits, methodological preparation and self-preparation). So that they constitute a system.
Exemplify with a theme that answers what is asked in the topic.
During the panel, the author acts as a moderator presenting the topic and highlighting its importance. Each panelist presents their point of view, then the audience is given the floor to ask about aspects that have not been made clear, to deepen or to propose ideas that perfect the above.The moderator will act as a mediator in the communication that must be reached, reaching consensus on what is addressed.


by Abdullah Sam
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