The symptoms of nasal cancer

Nasal cancer is a type of cancer that affects a part of the nasopharyngeal region, where the earlobes intersect with the nostrils. This form of cancer is usually observed in people from the central regions of Africa and East Asia. It is a rare disease and cases of nasal cancer that occur in the United States every year are less than 50. The occurrence of this type of cancer is common in China and especially in its southern regions. Of all cancer patients in China, 18% suffer from nasal cancer. This form of cancer is therefore also referred to as Cantonese cancer. Nasal cancer is seen in people over 45 years. Men are more prone to nasal cancer, than women.

The causes
There are mainly 3 causes of this type of cancer. Epstein Barr virus infection is one of them. Diet also plays an important role in the cause of nasal cancer. Salty foods such as fish, vegetables and meat are some of the other causes of this type of cancer. Genetic composition could also be a cause of this disease. The different treatment options for this cancer are: radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy.

Different symptoms of nasal cancer are seen in the following paragraphs.

  • One of the most common symptoms observed in patients suffering from nasal cancer is a lump in the neck. Actually, it is the inflammation of the lymph nodes affected by cancer cells. In medical terminology, this condition is known as cervical adenopathy.
  • The affected person faces problems in swallowing food and his voice becomes hoarse. That type of difficulty is seen in swallowing and is called dysphagia.
  • Tumor expansion creates obstructions in the nostrils. It also results in nosebleeds and nasal discharge.
  • The face of the person affected by nasal cancer can be paralyzed on the one hand.
  • In a few cases, problems such as ear pain and hearing loss are also associated with nasal cancer.
  • The sense of smell of cancer patients may decrease.
  • Drainage of mucus from the nose can also occur. The mucus can drain into the throat or nose.
  • Along with problems related to the ear and nose, people suffering from nasal cancer are also affected by eye problems. The protrusion of the eyes is a symptom associated with this condition.
  • Patients with nasal cancer may suffer from double vision. Double vision, also known as diplopia in the person who sees (perceives) two images of the same object.
  • This problem can also cause the patient to lose their vision, partially or totally.
  • One of the symptoms related to the eyes, associated with nasal cancer is irrigation.
  • Apart from the symptoms related to the eyes, ears or nose, they can also suffer from tooth loss.
  • A person may have difficulty opening their mouth due to nasal cancer.
  • The production of excessive saliva is among the symptoms.
  • Nasal cancer can also cause headache, a feeling of fullness in the throat, etc.
  • A sensation of ringing in the ears is constantly experienced by those who suffer from this type of cancer.

Symptoms in the advanced stage
The symptoms listed below are exposed to patients with nasal cancer in the advanced stages.

  • In the advanced stages, patients present with the symptoms of cachexia, that is, loss of appetite along with weight loss.
  • Vomiting, nausea and anorexia are other symptoms shown by patients in the advanced stages. People who suffer from anorexia tend to lose their appetite.

The treatment
The most effective measure of treatment used for patients with nasopharyngeal cancer is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is able to control primary tumors. However, even with the use of this therapy, it is difficult to control distant metastases. The process of metastases is responsible for the spread of a disease from one organ to the other at a distance (not adjacent ones). This treatment measure can also be used together with chemotherapy. Surgery is another option for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer. Professor WL Wei presented the “maxillary swing” method, which is very useful in the treatment of cancer. Nasopharyngeal tumor resection is carried out during the operation of the maxillary gyrus. In this surgery, The nasopharynx region is opened by the rupture of the connections between the bones of the skull and the maxilla. This action facilitates the resection of tumors and also the placement or positioning of the tubing required for brachytherapy.

The main focus area of ​​this article is to present to the readers the symptoms of nasal cancer. However, a brief review of the causes and treatments contained in the writing is also presented as useful information for readers.


by Abdullah Sam
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