Subnautica Guide

Subnautica is one of those strange survival simulation games not suitable for everyone. In the case of this game, in addition, a very special factor is added and that is that the game takes place under water . This adds a new dimension to the survival problem: the abyssal depths are permanently hostile territory, and your character can die in a thousand and one ways …

Throughout this guide we will tell you how to complete the whole story , indicating at all times what you need to continue exploring and how to get the necessary materials for it.


Subnautica leaves us in a rescue capsule after the accident of the Aurora , our ship. Based on finding information in the form of PDAs, shelters of former survivors and the capsules of other companions, we will have to discover what is the problem on this planet and how to escape .


  • Repair the radio: the first thing is to reestablish communications.
  • Find Capsule 3– It seems there are more survivors in the area.
  • Find Capsule 17 another distress call. Will we find someone this time?
  • Find Capsule 19: One more Rescue Capsule has sent us a distress signal.
  • Find the Gelasetas Caves: we follow the trail of the Degasi crew.
  • Find the Great Deep Reef: It seems that the Degasi crew reached incredible depth.
  • Find the Execution Platform Time to find out what attacked the Sunbeam.
  • Explore the Aurora: it seems that in our ship there is something that could help us escape … and we have to repair the engines to avoid an apocalyptic event.
  • Find the Center for Disease Research– we may find out what’s wrong with us here.
  • Find the Thermal Power Plant: we reached the bottom of the crater. Or is there something even deeper?
  • Find the Main Containment Facility: we will have to free what the Precursors hid deep in the crater.
  • Escape the Planet Now that the Execution Platform is down, it’s time to flee.


Subnautica gives us the option to use a large number of cheats and console commands . Here we will show you how they work, and how to use the Developer trick, which saves you from entering most commands manually :

  • Enable command console (PC).
  • Enable command console (PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X).
  • How to use cheats to get achievements and trophies.
  • Developer menu.
  • Event tricks.
  • Inventory tricks to get objects.

Vehicles and upgrades

In Subnautica we will have three vehicles with which to explore the deep sea. Obtaining them will not be especially easy, but they are essential to be able to explore the bottom of the crater. Here we will tell you how to get them, as well as their improvements, the materials needed to make them and where to find them:

  • Seamoth: Our first submarine is small and handy. You can go down to a maximum depth of 900 meters .
  • PRAWN suit: the PRAWN is an exoskeleton that will allow us to descend to a maximum of 1,700 meters . Also, it is the only way to mince certain mineral deposits , completely necessary to finish the game.
  • Cyclops Submarine: Our last vehicle will be a large submarine , which can even carry a PRAWN or Seamoth in a bay . When you’ve installed enough upgrades, you can go down to 1,700 meters
  • Common Upgrades: In addition to vehicle-specific upgrades, the Seamoth and PRAWN may have special upgrades , which will increase their usefulness in certain situations.

Basic tips

As in any survival game, if you don’t know what to do at first, you will die quickly . Going where you should not or leaving essential things is a serious problem. So it is better that, before launching to conquer the alien planet, pay attention to these basic tips to start playing :

First steps

  • Don’t stray too far from the capsule –There are two main reasons not to stray too far from the area where you start. The first and most obvious is that you don’t have the resources to literally survive the journey. You will stay with food, without water, without oxygen … and you will not be able to defend yourself from what is waiting for you. The second reason is that it will not take long to find areas with high radiation that you should not enter until you have a protective suit.
  • Use the Capsule’s Resources and Machines:Before exiting the capsule, collect the food and water inside and notice that there is a special machine, the Fabricator , that allows you to craft (make) items. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
  • Build a couple of tools: youneed to craft two basic things to survive outside of the capsule: the Knife , the Oxygen Tank, and the Fins . You also need to build the Scanner , to be able to get recipes with which to make new objects and the Habitat Builder to be able to create a shelter later.
  • You need a vehicle:in order to move fast underwater, for now, build the Slider with Titanium, Copper Wire, Battery and Lubricant. It is not a vehicle in itself, but it will help you move a little faster than just with the fins.
  • Get food:we don’t need Captain Obvious to know that fish are the most frequent source of food . Later, if you can, try to get Fruit from the trees on the surface. In addition to satiating you, they also serve to quench your thirst .
  • Get water:Ironic that on a fundamentally aquatic planet you are going to have a difficult time getting drinking water. Later you will be able to build a Water Treatment Plant that will give you almost unlimited access to the water, but at first you will have to fish Aerosacos , some fish that give you food and water at the same time.

Building a foundation

  • Make the Habitat Builder:we recommend it in the first point, but just in case, make the object in your rescue capsule. You need an Electronics Chip, a Computer Chip and a Battery.
  • Collect raw materials:the bases are not built from air (or water, so abundant), you will have to get materials depending on what you want to build. You should mainly accumulate Titanium .
  • Choose a place to place the base:your first base should have solar panels , which will be the source of its energy at the beginning. However, keep in mind that at night they will not provide electricity (Captain Obvious strikes again ) and, when you can, you will have to use another source of energy. When you can discard solar panels, underwater caves are a good location to lay foundations.
  • It lays the foundations of the base: itdoes not have much mystery, beyond that the base cannot “float”, it has to be on a solid base. Logically, you have to put a door on it .
  • Prepare your base:Every base has to have some basic things, like Cabinets to store things and, of course, a Fabricator to create more objects when you get Blueprints .
  • Build a Vehicle Bay:Finally, near your base, build a Vehicle Bay (Titanium, Lubricant and Energy Capsules) in which you can create and “park” underwater vehicles. The Seamoth will possibly be your first submarine, as it is relatively quick and easy to create.

Explore the depths

You already know the basics to be able to survive in Subnautica . Now it’s your turn to explore the depths of the planet , the Degasi Bases, the remains of the Aurora … everything that can be accessible should be explored to find Blueprints and advance in the game’s story. Remember to make an anti-radiation suit soon to be able to access all areas.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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