Street marketing

Street Marketing is a type of Marketing that consists of carrying out different advertising actions that take place in the public space, with the aim of attracting the attention of the public on the street.

Through street marketing communication strategies, companies have the possibility of attracting the attention of large numbers of people from the real world, that is, not from the Internet but from public spaces. For this, the messages must be original and creative .

One of the main characteristics of this type of street marketing strategies is that they involve lower investments than those existing in other media such as online or traditional media. A well-executed street marketing campaign may be able to attract large numbers of people with low investments .

Other points to highlight in the development of street marketing actions are the choice of points or locations that facilitate people’s attention, the creation of rumors that attract the focus of attention previously or the use of a closer language and simple to achieve closeness with people. In fact, street marketing manages to get closer to the consumer by invading their space and winning their sympathy and attention.

The key then will be to be able to establish a kind of dialogue between seller and prospective buyer taking advantage of this interactivity and closeness that these types of strategies offer. In this way, the public can develop behaviors in relation to the advertising message or simply identify with it, which would already be a great result for the street marketing campaign.

The use of this type of techniques allows brands or companies to differentiate themselves from the competitor and acquire an innovative and creative signature status , which is positive in the globalized world in which we live.

Finally, the similarity that street marketing has with guerilla Marketing is evident in terms of characteristics of originality and closeness to the public. However, the basic difference between the two communication tools is the channel, since, as indicated above, street marketing is carried out in an offline environment while guerrilla marketing can take place in online environments. In addition, sometimes a marketing plan can devise strategies that combine both types.

by Abdullah Sam
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