14 Strategy Manager Responsibilities In Strategy Process

Strategic management responsibilities and Strategy Manager Responsibilities In Strategy Process Bower lists 14 processes for which management at some level in the organization must claim responsibility.

Setting the mission . Deciding on the business or businesses in which the company or division should engage and on other fundamentals that shall guide and characterize the business, such as continuous growth. A mission is typically enduring and timeless.

2. Developing a company philosophy.

Establishing the beliefs, values, attitudes, and unwritten guidelines that add up to “the way we do things around here.’’

3. Establishing objectives. Deciding on achievement targets with a defined time range or narrower in scope than the mission, designed to aid in making opera¬ tional plans for carrying out strategy.

4. Planning strategy. Developing concepts, ideas, and plans for achieving objectives successfully, and for meeting and beating competition. Strategic planning is part of the total planning process that includes management and operational planning.

5. Establishing policies. Deciding on plans of action to guide the performance of all major activities in carrying out strategy in accordance with company philosophy.

6. Planning the organization structure. Developing the plan of organization— the harness that helps people pull together in performing activities in accordance with strategy, philosophy, and policies.

7. Providing personnel.

Recruiting, selecting, and developing people— including an adequate proportion of high-caliber talent—to fill the positions provided for in the organization plan.

8. Establishing procedures. Determining and prescribing how all important and recurrent activities shall be carried out.

9. Providing facilities. Providing the plant, equipment, and other physical facilities required to carry on the business.

10. Providing capital. Making sure the business has the money and credit needed for physical facilities and working capital.

11. Setting standards. Establishing measures of performance that will best en¬ able the business to achieve its long-term objectives successfully.

12. Establishing management programs and operational plans. Developing programs and plans governing activities and the use of resources which—when carried out in accordance with established strategy, policies, procedures, and standards—will enable people to achieve particular objectives. These are phases of the total planning process that includes strategic planning.

13. Providing control information.

Supplying facts and figures to help people follow the strategy, policies, procedures, and programs; to keep alert to forces at work inside and outside the business; and to measure their own performance against established plans and standards. 14. Activating people. Commanding and motivating people up and down the line to act in accordance with philosophy, policies, procedures, and standards in carrying out the plans of the company.

by Abdullah Sam
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