How to stay healthy in the office

Do you have the impression of being trapped within the four walls of your office, sitting for hours between the sneezes of your colleagues? Maybe you are the only ones who are not cold, but do we also want to rule out the hypothesis of a sudden feeling of claustrophobia? The transmission of the cold and the virus’ influence can occur by air via droplets of saliva of those who coughs or sneezes, but also indirectly through contact with hands contaminated with respiratory secretions. For this reason, preventive behaviors and hygienic-sanitary rules are the primary objectives to follow in order to remain healthy in the workplace .


Keep your hands clean

Wash your hands regularly and avoid bringing infected fingers near your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs lurk everywhere: in handles, switches, copier buttons, mice and PC keyboards. There is no way out: if you have also decided to eat in the office, defend yourself from bacteria as best you can. Obviously hand-saving disinfectant gels included.

Avoid staying in contact with sick people

There are those who persist in going to work even with a fever or with obvious symptoms of flu. Well ” maybe it was a coincidence but that day that colleague was particularly alone ” … Who knows why they all stayed away and yet he was always nice! Notice to the jokes: this measure is also expressed in the Circular of the Ministry of Health ” Flu prevention and control: recommendations for the 2011-2012 season ” to recommend “[…] voluntary isolation at home of people with febrile respiratory diseases, especially in the initial phase […] “

Beware of common areas

Clean common surfaces and pay particular attention to common areas such as canteens and bathrooms, in these it would be better to find liquid or powdered soap dispensers and non-reusable towels to be trashed after use or electric.

Keep the air clean

Regularly opening windows to ensure proper air circulation is certainly not a direct cause of a cold as a boring colleague might complain… Adequate ventilation prevents damage to health because it ensures correct oxygenation of the air.

Avoid eating common foods

Those chocolates were really good but how many colleagues will have tasted them?

Drink lots of water and follow proper nutrition

Proper daily hydration (at least two liters of water possibly to be taken in the first part of the day) together with foods rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals is the first and most important way to prevent flu .

Drink hot herbal teas and prevent symptoms with natural remedies such as propolis and echinacea

Even in the office it is good to resort to hot herbal teas that you can make on the spot in cases where there is a bar or a common refreshment point or bring them from home in special thermos. Take a trip to the herbalist shop, they will be able to advise you on the herbal tea and the most suitable products for you.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature

Dressing in layers can be the best solution to avoid sudden changes in temperature which, especially in offices where heaters are kept on and at high temperatures, can cause sudden cooling down once you have gone out for coffee.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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