Status parameters

Status parameters. They are those macroscopic properties whose set determines the state of a system .


  • External: The parameters determined by the surroundings of the system (more exactly by the position of the external bodies) are called external. The volume of a gas, the intensity of the electric fieldin an electrolysis process , are examples of this type of parameter. External parameters depend on the coordinates of the surroundings.
  • Internal: The properties determined by the combined movement and spatial distribution of the particles that make up the system are called internal parameters. For example, temperature, pressure, energy, etc. of a gasconfined in a closed cylinder, depend exclusively on the average behavior of the particles contained in the container, however, if we vary the volume of the container, both the position and the freedom of movement of the particles that make up the system will be affected, by what their internal parameters vary. The internal parameters are a function of the average behavior of the particles in the system and of the external parameters.
  • Intensive: The system parameters that are independent of the mass (number of particles) of the system are called intensive parameters. For example temperature, concentration, etc.
  • Extensive: The parameters that depend on their mass are called extensive parameters. For example volume, energy, etc.


by Abdullah Sam
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