Starfield Cheat Codes

Unlock hidden abilities and secrets in Starfield with the best cheat codes. From infinite credits to God Mode, enhance your gaming experience like never before.

There is a special place in the world of video games for explorers and experimentalists who are always ready to uncover hidden secrets and untapped possibilities of game universes. Starfield, the new sci-fi RPG from Bethesda Game Studios, is no exception. In this article, we will present you with a unique set of cheat codes and console commands that will allow you to explore the Starfield galaxy in a completely new way.

Starfield cheats and codes will become your faithful companions on your journey through the stars. Regardless of whether you want to improve your character’s skills, gain access to hidden materials or get unlimited resources, in this article you will find all the information you need.

The best part is that using Starfield cheat codes does not block your achievements, so you can enjoy the game to the fullest while unlocking everything you can.

Are you ready to dive into the Starfield galaxy with new knowledge and possibilities? Let’s start exploring all corners of this amazing game and reveal to you all the secrets that are hidden in cheat codes and console commands

Starfield Cheat Codes

Cheat code Description
tgm God Mode: Makes you invincible and gives you infinite ammo.
player.additem f [value] Endless money.
player.additem a [value] Endless Digipicks.
player.setav carryweight 999999 Infinite load capacity.
player.additem [id] [value] Creates the specified item in your inventory.
player.placeatme [id] [value] Creates the specified item or creature in front of your character.
tdetect NPCs no longer detect you while in stealth mode.
tcai NPCs no longer target and attack you.
killall Kills all NPCs in the vicinity, even non-hostile ones.
kah Kills all hostile NPCs in the vicinity.
resurrect Resurrects the selected NPC.
[id].amod [mod id] Applies the specified weapon mods to your weapon.
[id].rmod [mod id] Removes the specified weapon modifications from your weapon.
tim Immortality Mode: You can take damage, but your health will never drop to 0.
psb Unlocks all 24 abilities.
unlock Unlocks the target door or container.
sexchange Changes the gender of your character to the opposite.
showmenu sleepwaitmenu Opens the wait/time pass menu.
player.setlevel [value] Sets your character’s level to the specified level.
player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction id] Redeems crime bounties for the specified faction.
showlooksmenu player 1 Opens the character editor, allowing you to change your appearance.
player.addperk [perk id] Adds skills, traits and background.
player.removeperk [perk id] Removes the specified skill, trait, or background.
tcl “No Clip” mode. Allows you to walk through walls and other objects.
tm Toggles the user interface on or off.
tfc Toggles the free camera, allowing you to fly around the world.
saq Triggers all main and side missions. May cause crashes!
caqs Completes all main and side missions. May cause glitches!
showhighmaxheights [shmh] Shows or hides high resolution maximum altitude data.
enablestorymanagerlogging Enables the plot manager registration mode.
dumppapyrusstacks [dps] Prints all Papyrus stack information to the log.
dumppapyrustimers Prints all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.
dumppapyruslosevents Outputs all Papyrus loss event logs to the log.
dumppapyrusdistanceevents Outputs all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.
dumppapyruspersistenceinfo [dppi] Displays all Papyrus storage information for the specified link.
dumppapyruseventregistrations Prints all Papyrus event logs for the specified object (and script).
runcompaction Starts the compaction process if possible.
setsubgraphtodebug Sets the subgraph for debug mode.
enablerumble Turns controller vibration on/off.
havokvdbcapture Toggles Havok VDB capture.
togglenavmeshinfo Toggles the display mode of navigation grid information, similar to the map camera.
playsyncanim Plays synchronized animation.
setformknown Sets the known flag for the form.
setdebugquest Specifies a task that can only be started from its event type.
setquestaliaslogging Enables or disables alias logging for a task.
setrace Sets the race of the selected actor.
findform [search] Finds form.
startpapyrusscriptprofile [startpsp] Begins profiling the Papyrus script.
stoppapyrusscriptprofile [stoppsp] Completes profiling of Papyrus script.
startpapyrusformprofile [startpfp] Begins profiling Papyrus scripts for a form.
stoppapyrusformprofile [stoppfp] Completes profiling of Papyrus scripts for the form.
startpapyrusstackrootprofile Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks, starting with the script.
stoppapyrusstackrootprofile Completes profiling of all Papyrus stacks, starting with the script.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] Enables and disables global Papyrus profiling (profiles everything).
printquestsceneinfo Prints the current state of scenes to the Quest Inf file.
isinvulnerable Is the actor invincible?
collision mesh Toggles the mesh collision information.
havokworldstep [hkstep] Toggles information about Havok VDB Capture.
isolaterendering Enables isolated rendering for the selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry Shows or hides water current geometry.
performaction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors Begins tracking doors activated by the player.
stoptrackplayerdoors Stops tracking player-activated doors.
checkplayerdoors Compares the player’s tracked path with the mission objective’s path.
setinchargen Enables or disables aspects of Chargen mode (disable save, wait, disable activation message).
force reset Forces a full restart of the game.
forceclosefiles Closes the masterfile and plugins. Useful for saving CreationKit to a plugin that is also loaded in the game.
hotloadplugin [hlp] Loads or reloads the specified plugin. Useful for picking up changes without restarting.
generatebendablespline [spline] Creates an instance of flexible spline geometry.
reload [script] Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
testaim Tests the actor’s goal.
test look Tests the actor’s gaze direction.
pushcamera Switches the camera to the editor.
movetoeditorcamera Moves to the editor’s camera.
movetoeditorselection Moves to the editor selection.
placefurnituretester [pft] Places the actor who will use the selected furniture.
dumpconditionsfunctions Prints the current counters of condition function calls.
reloadanimationgraphs Reloads all loaded animation graphics.
toggleweaponoverlay Toggles weapon attachment.
forcedetect Causes the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
changeanimarchetype [caa] Changes the animation archetype of the selected actor.
changeanimflavor Changes the animation of the selected actor.
setangrywithplayer Sets the “angry at player” flag.
forcerepath Forces recalculation of the actor’s path.
forcepathfailure Forces the actor’s path to failure.
dumpformlist Prints the contents of the specified form list to the console output.
traceanimationevents Tracks animation events of an actor.
showmods Shows all property modifications on an object.
dumpinputablelayers Outputs all currently used control inclusion layers to the console.
attachmod Attaches a modification to an object.
removemod Removes a modification from an object.
spawntemplatedobject Creates a reference to a template object.
callfunction Calls a Papyrus function on the target link.
callquestfunction [cqf] Calls the Papyrus function in the task.
callglobalfunction [cgf] Calls the Papyrus global function.
resetinputenablelayer Clears all control disables on the specified enable layer.
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] Forces player controls to be enabled regardless of enable layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
resetforceenabledplayercontrols Resets all forced player controls.
getactorrefowner Displays the owner of the currently selected link.
setactorrefowner [saro] Sets the owner of the currently selected link to the specified actor (or player if no actor is specified).
hasactorrefowner [haro] Returns 1 if the currently selected link has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
setoutfit Changes the default outfit for the actor.
passtime [hours] The specified number of hours passes.
link locations Links two locations by the specified keyword.
showlinkedlocations Displays all locations associated with the given location by the specified keyword.
setlinkedref Links the current link to the specified link using the specified keyword.
reset container Resets the current container, or if “1” is specified, resets all containers.
setscenefordebug Sets the current debug scene.
preloadexterior Preloads external data for the currently selected link.
testpath Debug function for path testing.
togglecontrolsoverly Toggles the overlay of controls.
refresh Debugging function to update link.
dynamic resolution Changes dynamic resolution settings.
testloadingmenu Debug function to open/close the boot menu in the boot thread.
recalcinstancedata Debug function to recalculate instance data for the selected reference, or all loaded references if nothing is selected.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] Enables and disables global Papyrus profiling (profiles everything).
printquestsceneinfo Prints the current state of scenes to the Quest Inf file.
isinvulnerable Is the actor invincible?
collision mesh Toggles the mesh collision information.
havokworldstep [hkstep] Toggles information about Havok VDB Capture.
isolaterendering Enables isolated rendering for the selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry Shows or hides water current geometry.
performaction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors Begins tracking doors activated by the player.
stoptrackplayerdoors Stops tracking player-activated doors.
checkplayerdoors Compares the player’s tracked path to the task’s objective path.
setinchargen Enables or disables aspects of Chargen mode (disable save, wait, disable activation message).
force reset Forces a full restart of the game.
forceclosefiles Closes the masterfile and plugins. Useful for saving CreationKit to a plugin that is also loaded in the game.
hotloadplugin [hlp] Loads or reloads the specified plugin. Useful for picking up changes without restarting.
generatebendablespline [spline] Creates an instance of flexible spline geometry.
reload [script] Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
testaim Tests the actor’s goal.
test look Tests the actor’s gaze direction.
pushcamera Switches the camera to the editor.
movetoeditorcamera Moves to the editor’s camera.
movetoeditorselection Moves to the editor selection.
placefurnituretester [pft] Places the actor who will use the selected furniture.
dumpconditionsfunctions Prints the current counters of condition function calls.
reloadanimationgraphs Reloads all loaded animation graphics.
toggleweaponoverlay Toggles weapon attachment.
forcedetect Causes the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
changeanimarchetype [caa] Changes the animation archetype of the selected actor.
changeanimflavor Changes the animation of the selected actor.
setangrywithplayer Sets the “angry at player” flag.
forcerepath Forces recalculation of the actor’s path.
forcepathfailure Forces the actor’s path to failure.
dumpformlist Prints the contents of the specified form list to the console output.
traceanimationevents Tracks animation events of an actor.
showmods Shows all property modifications on an object.
dumpinputablelayers Outputs all currently used control inclusion layers to the console.
attachmod Attaches a modification to an object.
removemod Removes a modification from an object.
spawntemplatedobject Creates a reference to a template object.
callfunction Calls a Papyrus function on the target link.
callquestfunction [cqf] Calls the Papyrus function in the task.
callglobalfunction [cgf] Calls the Papyrus global function.
resetinputenablelayer Clears all control disables on the specified enable layer.
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] Forces player controls to be enabled regardless of enable layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
resetforceenabledplayercontrols Resets all forced player controls.
getactorrefowner Displays the owner of the currently selected link.
setactorrefowner [saro] Sets the owner of the currently selected link to the specified actor (or player if no actor is specified).
hasactorrefowner [haro] Returns 1 if the currently selected link has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
setoutfit Changes the default outfit for the actor.
passtime [hours] The specified number of hours passes.
link locations Links two locations by the specified keyword.
showlinkedlocations Displays all locations associated with the given location by the specified keyword.
setlinkedref Links the current link to the specified link using the specified keyword.
reset container Resets the current container, or if “1” is specified, resets all containers.
setscenefordebug Sets the current debug scene.
preloadexterior Preloads external data for the currently selected link.
testpath Debug function for path testing.
togglecontrolsoverly Toggles the overlay of controls.
refresh Debugging function to update link.
dynamic resolution Changes dynamic resolution settings.
testloadingmenu Debug function to open/close the boot menu in the boot thread.
recalcinstancedata Debug function to recalculate instance data for the selected reference, or all loaded references if nothing is selected.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] Enables and disables global Papyrus profiling (profiles everything).
printquestsceneinfo Prints the current state of scenes to the Quest Inf file.
isinvulnerable Is the actor invincible?
collision mesh Toggles the mesh collision information.
havokworldstep [hkstep] Toggles information about Havok VDB Capture.
isolaterendering Enables isolated rendering for the selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry Shows or hides water current geometry.
performaction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors Begins tracking doors activated by the player.
stoptrackplayerdoors Stops tracking player-activated doors.
checkplayerdoors Compares the player’s tracked path to the task’s objective path.
setinchargen Enables or disables aspects of Chargen mode (disable save, wait, disable activation message).
force reset Forces a full restart of the game.
forceclosefiles Closes the masterfile and plugins. Useful for saving CreationKit to a plugin that is also loaded in the game.
hotloadplugin [hlp] Loads or reloads the specified plugin. Useful for picking up changes without restarting.
generatebendablespline [spline] Creates an instance of flexible spline geometry.
reload [script] Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
testaim Tests the actor’s goal.
test look Tests the actor’s gaze direction.
pushcamera Switches the camera to the editor.
movetoeditorcamera Moves to the editor’s camera.
movetoeditorselection Moves to the editor selection.
placefurnituretester [pft] Places the actor who will use the selected furniture.
dumpconditionsfunctions Prints the current counters of condition function calls.
reloadanimationgraphs Reloads all loaded animation graphics.
toggleweaponoverlay Toggles weapon attachment.
forcedetect Causes the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
changeanimarchetype [caa] Changes the animation archetype of the selected actor.
changeanimflavor Changes the animation of the selected actor.
setangrywithplayer Sets the “angry at player” flag.
forcerepath Forces recalculation of the actor’s path.
forcepathfailure Forces the actor’s path to failure.
dumpformlist Prints the contents of the specified form list to the console output.
traceanimationevents Tracks animation events of an actor.
showmods Shows all property modifications on an object.
dumpinputablelayers Outputs all currently used control inclusion layers to the console.
attachmod Attaches a modification to an object.
removemod Removes a modification from an object.
spawntemplatedobject Creates a reference to a template object.
callfunction Calls a Papyrus function on the target link.
callquestfunction [cqf] Calls the Papyrus function in the task.
callglobalfunction [cgf] Calls the Papyrus global function.
resetinputenablelayer Clears all control disables on the specified enable layer.
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] Forces player controls to be enabled regardless of enable layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
resetforceenabledplayercontrols Resets all forced player controls.
getactorrefowner Displays the owner of the currently selected link.
setactorrefowner [saro] Sets the owner of the currently selected link to the specified actor (or player if no actor is specified).
hasactorrefowner [haro] Returns 1 if the currently selected link has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
setoutfit Changes the default outfit for the actor.
passtime [hours] The specified number of hours passes.
link locations Links two locations by the specified keyword.
showlinkedlocations Displays all locations associated with the given location by the specified keyword.
setlinkedref Links the current link to the specified link using the specified keyword.
reset container Resets the current container, or if “1” is specified, resets all containers.
setscenefordebug Sets the current debug scene.
preloadexterior Preloads external data for the currently selected link.
testpath Debug function for path testing.
togglecontrolsoverly Toggles the overlay of controls.
refresh Debugging function to update link.
dynamic resolution Changes dynamic resolution settings.
testloadingmenu Debug function to open/close the boot menu in the boot thread.
recalcinstancedata Debug function to recalculate instance data for the selected reference, or all loaded references if nothing is selected.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] Enables and disables global Papyrus profiling (profiles everything).
printquestsceneinfo Prints the current state of scenes to the Quest Inf file.
isinvulnerable Is the actor invincible?
collision mesh Toggles the mesh collision information.
havokworldstep [hkstep] Toggles information about Havok VDB Capture.
isolaterendering Enables isolated rendering for the selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry Shows or hides water current geometry.
performaction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors Begins tracking doors activated by the player.
stoptrackplayerdoors Stops tracking player-activated doors.
checkplayerdoors Compares the player’s tracked path to the task’s objective path.
setinchargen Enables or disables aspects of Chargen mode (disable save, wait, disable activation message).
force reset Forces a full restart of the game.
forceclosefiles Closes the masterfile and plugins. Useful for saving CreationKit to a plugin that is also loaded in the game.
hotloadplugin [hlp] Loads or reloads the specified plugin. Useful for picking up changes without restarting.
generatebendablespline [spline] Creates an instance of flexible spline geometry.
reload [script] Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
testaim Tests the actor’s goal.
test look Tests the actor’s gaze direction.
pushcamera Switches the camera to the editor.
movetoeditorcamera Moves to the editor’s camera.
movetoeditorselection Moves to the editor selection.
placefurnituretester [pft] Places the actor who will use the selected furniture.
dumpconditionsfunctions Prints the current counters of condition function calls.
reloadanimationgraphs Reloads all loaded animation graphics.
toggleweaponoverlay Toggles weapon attachment.
forcedetect Causes the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
changeanimarchetype [caa] Changes the animation archetype of the selected actor.
changeanimflavor Changes the animation of the selected actor.
setangrywithplayer Sets the “angry at player” flag.
forcerepath Forces recalculation of the actor’s path.
forcepathfailure Forces the actor’s path to failure.
dumpformlist Prints the contents of the specified form list to the console output.
traceanimationevents Tracks animation events of an actor.
showmods Shows all property modifications on an object.
dumpinputablelayers Outputs all currently used control inclusion layers to the console.
attachmod Attaches a modification to an object.
removemod Removes a modification from an object.
spawntemplatedobject Creates a reference to a template object.
callfunction Calls a Papyrus function on the target link.
callquestfunction [cqf] Calls the Papyrus function in the task.
callglobalfunction [cgf] Calls the Papyrus global function.
resetinputenablelayer Clears all control disables on the specified enable layer.
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] Forces player controls to be enabled regardless of enable layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
resetforceenabledplayercontrols Resets all forced player controls.
getactorrefowner Displays the owner of the currently selected link.
setactorrefowner [saro] Sets the owner of the currently selected link to the specified actor (or player if no actor is specified).
hasactorrefowner [haro] Returns 1 if the currently selected link has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
setoutfit Changes the default outfit for the actor.
passtime [hours] The specified number of hours passes.
link locations Links two locations by the specified keyword.
showlinkedlocations Displays all locations associated with the given location by the specified keyword.
setlinkedref Links the current link to the specified link using the specified keyword.
reset container Resets the current container, or if “1” is specified, resets all containers.
setscenefordebug Sets the current debug scene.
preloadexterior Preloads external data for the currently selected link.
testpath Debug function for path testing.
togglecontrolsoverly Toggles the overlay of controls.
refresh Debugging function to update link.
dynamic resolution Changes dynamic resolution settings.
testloadingmenu Debug function to open/close the boot menu in the boot thread.
recalcinstancedata Debug function to recalculate instance data for the selected reference, or all loaded references if nothing is selected.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] Enables and disables global Papyrus profiling (profiles everything).
printquestsceneinfo Prints the current state of scenes to the Quest Inf file.
isinvulnerable Is the actor invincible?
collision mesh Toggles the mesh collision information.
havokworldstep [hkstep] Toggles information about Havok VDB Capture.
isolaterendering Enables isolated rendering for the selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry Shows or hides water current geometry.
performaction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors Begins tracking doors activated by the player.
stoptrackplayerdoors Stops tracking player-activated doors.
checkplayerdoors Compares the player’s tracked path to the task’s objective path.
setinchargen Enables or disables aspects of Chargen mode (disable save, wait, disable activation message).
force reset Forces a full restart of the game.
forceclosefiles Closes the masterfile and plugins. Useful for saving CreationKit to a plugin that is also loaded in the game.
hotloadplugin [hlp] Loads or reloads the specified plugin. Useful for picking up changes without restarting.
generatebendablespline [spline] Creates an instance of flexible spline geometry.