Stage 4 liver cancer

Liver cancer is described as a “silent killer,” since it is usually detected in advanced stages. The first symptoms of liver cancer are not very noticeable. “Phase 3” or “stage 4 of liver cancer” is considered advanced liver cancer. Research helps to know how widespread the cancer is. Treatment options vary according to the stages of liver cancer. Doctors usually have an accurate idea about the prognosis with the help of the classification system and can determine the most appropriate treatment accordingly. The first stage is the phase when the tumor is very small. If cancer is detected during this stage, it is possible to remove it surgically. It is said that liver cancer is in “stage 4” when it begins to invade other organs. Thus, It is called end-stage liver cancer. Usually, liver cancer spreads to the lungs and bones when it reaches the fourth stage. Computed tomography, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, bone scintigraphy, etc. They help determine the scenario.

Increased risk of liver cancer
Some risk factors, such as a person’s age, sex, family history, ethnicity cannot be changed, in turn other factors such as smoking can be controlled. Obesity, diabetes, certain types of liver diseases, such as repeated hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) infections, liver cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, prolonged use of anabolic steroids, arsenic containing drinking water, exposure Prolonged aflatoxins may increase the risk of liver cancer. According to statistics published by the National Cancer Institute, liver cancer attacked 22,000 Americans in 2010.

The stages of liver cancer are determined with the help of information on the number and size of the primary tumor, degree of spread to the region of the lymph nodes and nearby organs, as well as distant. During the initial stages, when the tumor is very small, the symptoms are not exhibited by the body. Symptoms such as digestive problems, moderate fever, low energy level, loss of appetite are generally ignored. As the tumor grows and enters the advanced stage, some of the symptoms are perceived by the person. Stage 4 is detected if the cancer has metastasized (spread) to other organs of the body and doctors can make treatment decisions. These are the symptoms of stage 4 liver cancer:

  • Loss of normal liver function can result in hepatic encephalopathy. Due to the accumulation of toxins and waste material in the body, the person may suffer from confusion, memory loss, drastic changes in his personality, increased irritation, sleep disorders, inability to concentrate, and even kidney failure, collapsed lungs And comma
  • Liver cirrhosis leads to loss of liver function, internal bleeding, enlargement of the spleen, low platelet count, etc.
  • Jaundice that leads to yellow skin, yellow eyes, strong-smelling amber urine, pale stools, loss of appetite and weakness.
  • High fever.
  • Swelling and pain in the abdomen.
  • Bone pain.
  • Decreased lung capacity
  • Severe fatigue

Unfortunately, there is no treatment for liver cancer in the final stage. Liver transplantation may not be the option when cancer has spread to other organs. Cancer usually invades the lungs, bones, kidneys and pancreas. It can attack any part of the body. Pain relievers are given to relieve pain. Patients with primary liver cancer can take part in a clinical trial. Their names can be registered for a clinical trial of biological therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy with radiosensitizers or without them. These treatments do not necessarily improve the quality of life, but clinical trial reports are undoubtedly very useful for future research.

According to experts, alternative therapies sometimes work very well for cancer when combined with conventional treatment. Following a healthy and balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, turkey and chicken is essential to maintain the strength of the immune system. A diet low in salt and sugar helps prevent the worsening of the disease. Highly processed foods and junk food should be strictly avoided. A stress-free lifestyle is essential to keep the body and mind strong. Meditation can work mysteriously. Simple home remedies, such as the consumption of wheatgrass juice or Maitake mushroom extract in liquid form help strengthen the immune system and can increase energy levels. Patients and their families should never lose hope. The strong mind, faith in God, strong desire to fight cancer play a very important role in the treatment of cancer.

During the fourth stage, liver cancer is out of control. So the disease cannot be cured at this stage, palliative treatment is the only option left. Doctors try to improve the patient’s quality of life by controlling pain and other problems caused by the disease. The prognosis of liver cancer refers to the probable results of the neoplasm. Patients should not lose hope since each case is unique. The growth rate of cancer varies from patient to patient. The prognosis depends on the age, sex, physical and mental condition, hereditary factors of the patient, and how the patient responds to the treatment. Love and family support play an important role in raising the patient’s spirit.

Life expectancy
As mentioned earlier, life expectancy for liver cancer will vary according to the general physical and mental state of the patient. According to available statistics, about 22% of cases of liver cancer are diagnosed when the cancer has reached an advanced stage. Therefore, the survival rate in liver cancer is very poor. The survival rate for liver cancer in the fourth stage is 3.5%, which means that approximately 3-4 patients out of 100 patients with this diagnosis will survive about five years.

Remember, you cannot make a prediction about the life of a cancer patient with the help of available statistics. These statistics are based on the observations noted after studying some groups of people diagnosed with the disease. All patients diagnosed with cancer are unique. The above mentioned figures should be used as a guide only.

by Abdullah Sam
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