10 Sources of Finance For Business

Sources of Finance For Business are discussed here.Do you want to finance your company or venture, but are you considering various sources of financing? This is a fairly common situation faced by small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

If you are looking for resources for your business project, we share with you the main types of financing sources for a company and which one may be best for you.

10 Sources of Finance For Business.

The finance used in business can be raised through following sources:

Sources of Business Finance

  • (2)

Equity / Owner Finance Debt I Borrowed Finance

  1. Equity / Owner Finance:

If the owner from his own resources meets the financial need or requirement of business then the finance is called equity finance. In sole tradership, if the owner cannot meet or fulfill the financial need of business from his own resources and he also does not want to take loan then he can get additional funds or capital by admitting a trust worthy person into business as a partner.

A joint stock company can raise the capital by issuing its shares. The persons who provide capital to company by purchasing shares are called shareholders. Besides this, the business concerns can obtain funds from their “Reserve Funds” in the time of need. Reserve fund is that part of the profit of business concerns, which is not distributed among the owners or shareholders rather kept with themselves in order to meet the sudden need of future.


there are many types of sources of finance for a business — Source: Getty-Images

The sources of financing are the financial resources that firms have available to acquire production factors. They can come from within the company ( equity ) or from outside ( banks, credit institutions ).

But what are liquid capitals for?

  • Investments in fixed assets (purchase of land – buildings)
  • Purchase of production factors (goods – services – work)
  • Fiscal operations (payment of taxes – taxes – contributions).
  • Development projects – expansion – renovations
  • Loan repayments in the short, medium or long term.

 Internal funding sources 

Equity is made up of :

  • Contributionsmade by the owner or by the partners when the company is established, for an indefinite period since it is linked to the company activity for the entire life of the company;
  • Reserves, linked to self-financing, made up of the profits earned and not distributed. These resources are reinvested by the company in development or rehabilitation projects. Self-financing is especially important for small/medium-sized businesses that have difficulty finding financial resources from banks or credit institutions. Self-financing is used on the basis of the trend in bank interest rates: high rates make recourse to debt capital costly and favor self-financing.
  • Self -financing generated by non-monetary costs, i.e. by depreciation and allocations to funds, which, being non-monetary costs, do not generate any cash outflow.

 External funding sources 

Debt capital – that is, an external source of financing – is borrowed from banks or lenders. Depending on the duration , debt capital loans can be:

  • Short-termloans (up to 18 months): current account credit lines, sbf portfolio, advances on invoices, advances, discount on bills, endorsement credits.
  • Medium-termloans (from 18 months to 5 years): bond loans.
  • Long-termloans (over 5 years): mortgages.

Depending on the purpose , debt capital financing can be:

  • Settlement debts, which are contracted with suppliers , do not give rise to monetary income and are payment extensions, have maturities ranging from 30 to 90 days;
  • Financing debts, loans of various durations, granted for development or restructuring, must be repaid on a given date and at a given interest rate, give rise to monetary income, the lenders are credit institutions or the public .


The credit facility consists of all short-term loans granted by banks to businesses. This is a granting of bank credit , under pre-established conditions, within a defined amount limit.

There are two forms of ordinary credit:

  • Cash credits, for which we bring securities or bills to the bank, we get liquid money in exchange
  • Signature credits, which include personal guarantees

Final Recommendation;Sources of Finance For Business.

There are several sources of finance for a business, including:

  1. Personal savings: This is one of the most common sources of finance for small businesses. Entrepreneurs use their personal savings to fund their business operations.
  2. Family and friends: Entrepreneurs can also raise funds from family and friends who believe in their business idea.
  3. Bank loans: This is a popular source of finance for small and large businesses. Banks offer different types of loans, including term loans, working capital loans, and overdraft facilities.
  4. Angel investors: These are wealthy individuals who provide capital to startups in exchange for equity or a share of the business.
  5. Venture capitalists: These are professional investors who provide capital to startups in exchange for equity.
  6. Crowdfunding: This involves raising small amounts of capital from a large number of people, often through online platforms.
  7. Government grants and subsidies: Governments provide financial assistance to small businesses through grants and subsidies.
  8. Factoring and invoice discounting: This involves selling invoices to a third party at a discount in exchange for immediate cash.
  9. Leasing and hire purchase: This allows businesses to acquire assets such as equipment or vehicles by paying for them in instalments over a set period.

It’s important for entrepreneurs to carefully consider their options and choose the most appropriate source of finance for their business needs.