Discover the power of Soulmask admin commands and take your gaming experience to the next level with these advanced features and functionalities.
Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary rights and administrator login details provided by the server owner or your game host.
How to become a Soulmask administrator
- Connect to the Soulmask server. It is not yet possible to search for a server in the list, so you will need to connect directly to your server’s IP address and port.
- Once logged in, enter your server’s command console by typing ~ , which will open the in-game chat or development console.
- In the console, enter GM key Password , replacing Password with the administrator password.
- The admin panel should immediately appear on the screen, giving you access to all available administrative functions and entering admin commands.
- Never share your administrator password with other players or unauthorized third parties. The security of your server depends on it.
- Regularly check your server logs for suspicious access or activity.
- Make sure your server always has the latest Soulmask security and feature updates to avoid vulnerabilities. Automatic updates are enabled by default on our servers.
Soulmask Admin Commands
Description | Teams |
Open GM panel | gm key [password] |
Add experience | gm AddExp [value] |
Add mask experience | gm Addmjexp [value] |
Add hunting experience | gm Addshoulieexp [value] |
Increase hunting experience | gm AddShouLieExp [value] |
Reset points | gm XiDian |
Suicide | gm ZiSha 1 |
Resurrect | gm FuHuo |
Delete account | gm shanhao |
Show your own location | GPS |
Quickly recruit NPC (target) | gm ZhaoMu |
Teleport | gm Go [position_x] [position_y] [position_z] |
Clear all NPCs | gm ClearAllNpc |
Delete selected target | gm ClearSelect |
Refresh vegetation in radius | gm ShuaXinZhiBei |
Show your information (quality, skill level, talents, etc.) | gm ShowInfo 1 |
Show character information (quality, skill level, talents, etc.) | gm ShowInfo 0 |
Invisibility | gm SetAttr YinShen 1 |
Disable invisibility | gm SetAttr YinShen 0 |
Fix mask knots | gm JSMJ |
Unlock all information on the map | gm ShowMap |
Unlock all technotree nodes | gm KeJiShu |
Show barbarian invasion heat information graph | gm ShowReDu |
Clear away all the warmth of the barbarian invasion | gm ClearAllReDu |
Increase the heat of the barbarian invasion in the current location | gm AddReDu [value] |
Reset training missions | gm ChongZhiRenWu |
Show server status information | Debuginfo 1 |
Close server status information | Debuginfo 0 |