Social revolution

Social revolution. The history of society distinguishes with great clarity the periods of gradual development and abrupt breakdown of all economic , political and social structures. A social revolution is understood as a qualitative leap in the development of society as a result of which one economic society is replaced by another.


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  • 1 The conflict between the productive forces and the relations of production
  • 2 The Social Revolution as the superior form of the class struggle
  • 3 Fundamental problem of the social revolution
  • 4 Source

The conflict between the productive forces and the relations of production

The conflict between the new productive forces and the outdated relations of production is the economic foundation and the deepest cause of social revolutions.

It manifests itself in the clash between the classes. Some defend outdated relations of production and the socio-political regime based on them, while others try to abolish it. The revolutionary classes destroy the antiquated political superstructure, annihilate the old state power and create a new one, which they use to demolish the old relations of production and strengthen the new ones.

The social Revolution as the superior form of the class struggle

The development of the revolution depends on the course of the class struggle , on the forces that succeed in imposing themselves, on the degree to which the revolutionary forces are capable of fulfilling their historical tasks to the end. It is precisely the revolution that allows us to overcome the economic and class contradictions that have matured in the periods of peaceful development of society.

Social revolutions expose the outdated regime; During these periods, the creative energy of the popular masses is exposed as never before and they are, in turn, an important stimulus that contributes to the development of the political consciousness of the people. In the course of the social revolution, the men who carry it out are forged, renewed, and spiritually enriched.

Fundamental problem of the social revolution

The objective necessity of revolution in a society divided into classes is conditioned by the fact that the old relations of production are defined by the ruling classes through a system of political , legal and other relations, first of all, through the State and law.

To eliminate these obstacles it is necessary for the old forces to be opposed by the new social forces, who in order to suppress the old relations of production and strengthen new ones, the first thing they have to do is to conquer political power . Depending on the specific conditions, this step can be done in a different way and with different degrees of use of violence. The social revolution can take different forms, but its content is always the overthrow of the outdated socio-economic and political regime, and its replacement by a new regime.


by Abdullah Sam
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