Social prejudice

The social prejudice is a kind of prejudice related to social class, ie is based on the purchasing power and standard of living of individuals, basically classified into: rich and poor.


However, among them, there are still several social groups, from the millionaires (the richest) and the miserable (the poorest). Note that social prejudice can occur between people in the same social group.


According to the German philosopher Karl Marx (1818-1883), capitalist society is divided into two main groups: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, of which one is the dominant group and the other the dominated, a factor that determines social difference or the struggle of classes.


Social status is a concept that is closely related to social prejudice in a way that defines the individual’s social position in the structure of society.


Many people who have better financial conditions than others, think they are “superior” because they have greater purchasing power and assets. We know, however, that this thought is prejudiced since no one person is superior to another according to the amount of goods he has.


Having made this observation, social prejudice generates a lot of violence and has been one of the most discussed themes in the era of globalization, generated by human intolerance and determined by the difference in education, levels of income and resources, access and living conditions, among others. .


Learn more about the topics:



Social class

Social Status

Types of Prejudice

Prejudice is a very broad concept that has a wide scope according to the focus of discrimination. To better understand, here are some of the most prominent types of prejudice:


Racial prejudice : generated by ethnic differences ( racism )

Religious prejudice : generated by the difference of beliefs

Linguistic prejudice : generated by linguistic differences

Cultural Prejudice : generated by cultural differences ( ethnocentrism and xenophobia )

Sexual Prejudice : generated by sexual differences (sexism and homophobia )

by Abdullah Sam
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