Sebaceous cyst

Sebaceous cyst . It is a benign process that develops in the skin by accumulation of sebum from the sebaceous gland.


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  • 1 Etiology
  • 2 Location
  • 3 Symptomatology
  • 4 Evolution and complications
  • 5 Diagnosis
  • 6 Treatment
  • 7 Source


By retention that is developed by the obstruction of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland due to inflammation and dirt.


More frequent in the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, back and scrotum. It consists of a wall formed by the epithelium of the sebaceous gland and a capsule of thin connective tissue.


In the beginning it is flattened, in its greater development it is rounded. Its size exceeds a pigeon egg, although it can reach a great dimension. Can be unique or multiple. In the latter case, they lift the skin on the scalp and scrotum. They appear distended and shiny, sometimes with a blackish point that corresponds to the excretory duct of the gland obstructed by dirt. Sparse hair skin, trophic disorders, are mobile. Depending on the state of the content, they can be fluctuating or soft. When there is no inflammation they are painless on palpation.

Evolution and complications

They evolve slowly and asymptomatic. In the neck and back they can be compressed, inflamed and infected and present symptoms of an acute septic process and become ulcerated. They can degenerate into epitheliomas.


Due to its location, it can present confusion with gangrenous ulcer. A differential diagnosis must be made with dermoid cysts, fibroids or lipomas (they are subcutaneous), which allows them to be differentiated.


Surgical: total removal of the cyst avoiding the rupture of its capsule


by Abdullah Sam
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