Save Our Planet Essay;10 Ever Green Rules

Each of us should respect to save the Planet.Save Our Planet Essay Is here for college and University students.Our Planet has to deal with the growing threats linked to human behavior, the frightening consequences of which are there for all to see. The time to save the Earth is running out and today more than ever we need to rethink our actions, starting with the daily ones that we often take for granted. To raise everyone’s awareness of the future of the planet read our well written Save Our Planet Essay

These are 10 commandments that all of us should internalize and respect in order to act concretely, starting from the awareness that there is no Planet B , as stressed several times by activists fighting against climate change. And it is precisely from this awareness that we should start taking care of our dear Earth again. Like? Striving as much as possible to protect it and not pollute it to make it a better place both for us and for the other animal and plant species that live there.

Save Our Planet Essay;10 Rules We Must Follow

Below we list the 10 “Green Commandments.

  1. You will have no other planet besides me

And it’s really true! The Earth is one: we respect our planet.

  1. Don’t waste your resources in vain

Everyone must make their own contribution, starting with the little things of everyday life. Remember: the change starts with you!

  1. Remember to respect the environment

This commandment reminds us that the Earth is delicate, it needs more attention: each of us must take care of it and respect it.

  1. Honor the sky, the sea and all mother earth

Each of us must respect our entire planet and every element that makes it so!

  1. Do not kill

Man has always represented a threat to the planet and to the creatures that inhabit it. Let’s make sure this is no longer the case!

  1. Don’t make the air impure

Whether it’s smoke, smog, fine dust, it doesn’t matter. The goal is always the same: let’s stop compromising air quality!

  1. Do not pollute

We would like to be able to say that this is the most obvious Green Commandment, but it is not at all. Unfortunately, even today there are people who have no respect for the planet and for the creatures that inhabit it (including us). This is why we will repeat it over and over, until it becomes “normal” for everyone.

  1. Don’t tell false testimony

Words must always correspond to deeds. It is not enough to preach a green lifestyle to friends and relatives, without then making responsible and sustainable choices in person.

  1. Do not desire the land of others

Let’s take care of our Planet, the one in which we already have the good fortune to live, rather than wanting another uncontaminated one

  1. Wish the best for you and for others 

Let’s treasure these simple, but necessary, commandments! He will thank you.

by Abdullah Sam
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