Road Safety Activity For Preschoolers

Road Safety Activity For Preschoolers. Teaching road safety to preschoolers is an essential life skill that can help keep them safe as they navigate their surroundings. By introducing road safety concepts through engaging activities, we can make learning both enjoyable and effective for young minds. In this blog post, we’ll explore some creative and interactive activities to teach road safety to preschoolers in a way that captures their attention and leaves a lasting impact.

Road Safety Activity For Preschoolers

Activity 1: “Stop and Go” Game: Objective: Teach children the importance of traffic signals and understanding when to stop and when to go.

Materials Needed:

  • Colored paper or cardstock (red, yellow, green)
  • Craft sticks or straws
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  1. Cut out three circles from the colored paper to represent traffic signals: red, yellow, and green.
  2. Glue each circle onto a craft stick or straw, creating miniature traffic signals.
  3. Explain the meaning of each color: red means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means go.
  4. Create a simple obstacle course in a safe area, and place the traffic signals along the route.
  5. Guide the preschoolers through the course, using the traffic signals to indicate when they should stop, slow down, or continue.

Activity 2: “Sidewalk Chalk Safety” Objective: Help children understand safe pedestrian behavior by using sidewalk chalk to create interactive learning visuals.

Materials Needed:

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Open outdoor space (sidewalk or pavement)


  1. Begin by discussing the concept of sidewalks and their purpose as safe walking paths.
  2. Draw a mock road with crosswalks, intersections, and pedestrian lanes using sidewalk chalk.
  3. Explain and demonstrate safe behaviors like walking on the sidewalk, stopping at the edge of the road, looking both ways before crossing, and using crosswalks.
  4. Let the preschoolers take turns being pedestrians and practicing safe walking and crossing on the chalk-drawn “road.”

Activity 3: “Traffic Safety Art” Objective: Encourage creativity and reinforce road safety knowledge through art.

Materials Needed:

  • White paper
  • Crayons, markers, or colored pencils
  • Safety-themed stickers (stop signs, traffic cones, etc.)


  1. Provide each child with a piece of white paper and art supplies.
  2. Ask the preschoolers to draw a picture of a safe road scene, including elements like sidewalks, crosswalks, traffic signals, and responsible pedestrians.
  3. Encourage them to use safety-themed stickers to enhance their artwork.
  4. While they create, discuss the importance of road safety and the different elements they’re including in their drawings.

Activity 4: “Role Play Road Crossing” Objective: Allow children to practice safe road crossing through imaginative play.

Materials Needed:

  • Traffic-themed props (toy cars, traffic cones, cardboard traffic signals)


  1. Set up a play area with the traffic-themed props, creating a mini road and pedestrian zone.
  2. Assign roles to children, such as pedestrians, drivers, and even crossing guards.
  3. Guide the preschoolers through scenarios where they need to practice safe road crossing and appropriate behavior as drivers.
  4. Encourage them to communicate with each other, using hand signals and simple road safety language.

Conclusion: Teaching road safety to preschoolers doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating. By incorporating these interactive and fun activities into their learning, you can help instill important road safety concepts that will stay with them as they grow. Remember, making safety education enjoyable sets a positive foundation for a lifetime of responsible behavior.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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