Review: Nvidia Shield

The Nvidia Shield is one of the most interesting devices you can add to your entertainment corner right now. The Shield is a streamer in the broadest sense of the word; video, music, apps but also games!

You heard it right: games. Unlike, for example, the Playstation and X-Box, it is possible to stream games with the Shield. It is actually about streaming: installation is not necessary. Nvidia has a service called Geforce Now for this. With this you pay €10 per month and you get unlimited access to all games in the library.

We had some boot problems with the Shield and Geforce Now. It turned out: after updating the system software, you have to update the Geforce Now app separately via the Google Play Store. Otherwise you will get a meaningless error message that will only make you wiser after a long Googling.

Apart from that somewhat stiff start, it all works very smoothly. The games start up quickly, work almost always stutter-free and the offer is quite good so far. In terms of image quality and games, the Nvidia Shield is about the level of the PS3 and X-Box 360. Thanks to Geforce Now you can now play all the games that you just couldn’t play on it. We had a great time with Saints Row and Dead Island, among others. Don’t like a game? Then you just start another game.


Outside of games, the Shield has much more to offer. Thanks to the Google Play Store, you can download all kinds of apps that make life more pleasant. Plex and Netflix are two apps that launch here on a regular basis. In addition, the Shield is also suitable for Google Cast. Everything works equally smoothly and quickly. So smooth that the Chromecast has moved to the bedroom. A big advantage is that the Shield has an Ethernet connection. This way you no longer have to deal with weak WiFi, which is occasionally a problem in the middle of every major city.

The Shield has ensured that gaming has become a bit more casual again. Quickly switch between games, the ability to stream from the home network with Plex and watch series on Netflix. All this makes the Nvidia Shield more of an entertainment device and less of a hardcore game console.

As of today, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD is also available on the Shield. A great opportunity to get the Shield for the holidays!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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